I have been on Neopets for 2 years now and have seen every trick in the book of how people try to scam and hack. Just recently hacking and scamming has become more common and even easier to fall for. This article points out the majority, if not all the ways not to get scammed or hacked and to keep your account safe. Scams are pretty easy to pick up on, if it’s too good to be true it really is. Usually it will be a fake login screen where you have to retype your password, or they will change their prices at the last second and you will end up paying more than you bargained for so keep your wits about you. Other typical scams are buying ‘raffle tickets’ to win a bigger prize, or bidding a lot on a cheap item in a trading post to receive a more expensive item. And trust me, no one will give you 1 million np or 10 baby paint brushes so don’t believe it. Also NEVER change your email address if someone asks you to.
Tag: scammed
How Not to be Scammed by Michelle Vondor
I know that if you have never been scammed it seems impossible that it could happen to you, but it can. I was never very careful about keeping my password secret until my account was finally stolen. Even if it seem unlikely that you will be scammed I suggest that you follow these tips:
1) NEVER tell your password to anyone, even if they say they will give you items, np, etc. (I know everyone always says this but its really important)
2) If you suspect anyone of being a scammer report them immediately
3) Change your password often (at least once a month) and don’t make it something obvious like the month, your screen name, or your name. It is best to have a password that contains both letters and numbers.
Lists of Ways to Get Scammed by Brendon Gan-le
Here’s a few list of ways people can scam you out of NP, into your account, or make your account freeze:
1. They can just ask you for your password
Never give your password to anyone even if 1 million people say that he REALLY will give you NP, Items, Etc.
2. They can ask you to change your e-mail
Never change your e-mail address to a address you don’t own. Ppeople can try to trick you and say; change your e-mail to draggoondc@hotmail.com and then send a mail to it saying “NP____(ammont of NP wanted) USERNAME________ (Username there)”; and then first they know that the username you put in there changed there e-mail address to draggoondc@hotmail.com so they will type your username in the “forgot password box” and then they get a e-mail with all your password details, easy eh?
Don’t Be Scammed! by Allyson Marie
Scammers – a Neopian’s ememy. They are everywhere, and when you least expect them to be there – they are.
Scammers have one job in mind, to take your account, to mess you up, to make you upset. Do not let them do this to you.
You decide to go to the neoboards, and you see a board titled “Quitting Neopets” or something of that sort. As you wonder about the board and enter it, you see that it says something like, “Quitting Neopets! I have painted pets, paintbrushes, and 1,000,000 neopoints! Tell me if you want it!” Once you see this, click the link that says report this board. This is a scammer. If you go for it, they will ask for your password to ‘check out’ your account to see if you are ‘suitable for such an account’. Then, like what once happened to me, your account is out of your hands and into the scammers.
The Pink Poogle Toy Show 53: Lee Gets Scammed
Kym Huynh and Lee join forces today and bust out those scammer banishing rays to talk about all the ways you can get scammed and hacked on Neopets.
- Lee’s recent hacking
- How you can prevent being hacked
- How you can recover your account or neopet
- How to contact The Neopets Team
- Common scams in Neopets
- Cookie Grabbers
- Frozen? Here’s What to Do
- Your Account Stolen? Here’s What to Do