Dubloon Disaster Guide by Brian

The scoring for dubloon disaster is as follows:

  • A brown dubloon: Two points
  • A silver dubloon with pirate head: Five points
  • A silver dubloon with crossbones: Ten points
  • A silver dubloon with crescent moon: Twenty points
  • A silver dubloon: Fifty points
  • A gold dubloon with crossbones: One-hundred points
  • A silver Dubloon with gold edging: Two-hundred points

You get 600 nps per 100 points scored in the game with a maximum of 1,000 nps per game and a maximum of 3,000 nps a day.

There are two major strategies that I use. If you like, you can:

1. Blow Them Up

This strategy uses the fact that if they run into each other they go kaboom. Every time you get 2 mines, get in-between them until their really close to each other and then run off so they run into each other. This strategy works well but if you don’t have the quickest reflexes then you can die. This is also a strategy in which if you want you can go and get a bunch of points and once there are too many mines, blow them up with scallywags* This way is a little more dangerous than the other way but it’s a lot easier to get the 170 points needed for a maximum of 1,000 nps.

How to Overcome the Inexperienced Newbie Experience and Get Easy Neopoints by fury_damage

Strawberry Jelly for only 500np? I must buy it before someone else does!

Sound Familiar? Maybe not for strawberry jelly, which I thought was so good, but perhaps for another inexpensive Neopian item that, as a newbie, you paid too much for. When I first started playing Neopets I bought many foolish items from the top shops in Neopia for way more than they are worth. While Ive still kept a few of the things, like the ball of blue yarn (800np), Ive certainly learned my lesson as to how to make the most of the Shop Wizard, Auction House, and the Mystery Island Trading Post. Once I became familiar with Neopets I also discovered the greatness that is PPT. This website has taught me everything I know about Neopets and that is why I am now writing a guide for PPT and its other visitors about how to overcome the inexperienced newbie experience. So to all newbies:

Dubloon Disaster Guide by James

There are two parts to the game. You can either play multiplayer or single player. You only get points in single player. First of all, you play as Dorak, an young Krawk.

The graphic option is to disable layers

Oh ya, you will see land and a ship under the water. Don’t worry, they’re just a part of the background. When you collect one dubloon one mine will pop-up. And when mines hit each other, they blow-up.

Single Player Mode
You use the arrow keys to move.
Up arrow = Forward
Down arrow = Backward
Right arrow = Turn Right
Left arrow = Turn Left
Your purpose is to collect as many dubloon as possible. But watch out

Dubloon Disaster Guide by Elvin

I am recommending going against the convention of taking out the mines in the game. In fact keep 9 mines in the map as often as you can. Destroying the mines is risky and time consuming. There is no guarantee the next time you pick up a dubloon another mine wont pop up right next to you. My strategy is this.

Keep the 9 mines in a centre mass. The assumption here is you should be quite a good player. Dive in between two mines and you would bring them closer. If there are 3 mines, stay in the centre and let them move towards you and then move away. This way you would have 3 mines quite close to each other.

Games That Can Get You 150,000 Neopoints a Week by tootie_fruity_123

EVERY GAME CAN GET YOU 150K A WEEK!! It just depends how good you are at the daily games you play. As you might know, the easiest way to make neopoints is to play games. Sure, it takes time to play them, but eventually, you will earn more neopoints because you get better at those games (or just look up cheats on Google :p). Here are the games I play daily to earn about 10,000 a day just in games!!!

This guide will show you how to get near 10,000 NPs (yes!) a DAY!! However, this will require some work.

Note: You may not get the full amount of NP on this guide. Some Neopians may be better at certain games than others! Sometimes it’ll take a couple of days until you get the hang of some of these games! Note: Where you see the “Earned” text… that is how much you may have earned after playing the game 3 (max) times. 🙂