The Simplest Way to Make Neopoints by Abbie

The best way there is to make neopoints, as most of us know, is to run a successful shop. However, knowing the best methods on how to make a profit by selling things in Neopia. Thus, I have written an easy-to-follow 5-step guide on how to buy low but sell high.

1. Choose a few items for your shop to specialize in. These should be items that are in high demand, to ensure that they will sell, and they should also be one-time-use items, to ensure that people keep coming back for more. Some suggestions are codestones, faeries, and neggs.

2. Find out which section of the market you are in. This is determined by the first character of your screen name, because when the shop wizard makes a search it searches one section at a time. Find out which section you are in by searching for an item on the shop wizard and pressing refresh (and clicking yes when it asks if you want to resend the information) until some of the screen names it comes up with start with the same letter as yours. The other screen names that come up will begin with the other letters in your section. This step is necessary because prices will vary from section to section, and this way you will be able to price your items so that your shop appears first on the list when people search for your items, but are still able to price your items high enough to make profit.

Make Neopoints Easy by Wonderlux


Hey there, so you wanna get NP quick ay? Well gaining NP takes TIME and PATIENCE, so please do not think this is a “1 Million NP in 10 Days” guide. That said… let’s move on to the nitty-gritty.

Do you really need it???

So one day on Neopets you find the most glorious paint brush or item you have ever wanted. You’re so desperate to get it but there goes almost all of your NP in one go. Think to yourself first of all, is this a MUST have item, or do you want it to impress people, e.g. showing off a painted pet. Don’t forget this fact as most people tend to buy paint-brushes as an indication they want there pets to be noticed. Now, lets get to the NP Making.

Money For me, Money For You by cheeseman188

I have seen too many “neopoints quick” guides that are super long and involve time and effort like all day! (plus there long to read) so I have come up with my guide for people who want money and want it now, also called lazy people. This guide involves things that quick and easy also can be done in about 1/2 hour at most if you’re slow.

Now to the guide!

First things first, to be fast and lazy, bookmark the pages that you use like bank, your shop, guild, the games you play, stock market, the shop you like to restock at (if you do that) etc. After you are done reading the guide and test what you want BOOKMARK the links you are going to use or this guides link that way you can go fast.

How to Make Neopoints Quickly and in Large Amounts by revenge_of_elysium

Hey, I’m ForbiddenSword, your neopoint manager for today. Because I don’t know you or how many neopoints you have, I’ve separated this guide according the the amount of neopoints you may have. This way, once you reach the next ‘tier’ you can just go onto the next step, or start from where you are at.

0np – 10,000np

– Play games you are good at.
This is the easiest way to make money, I recommend you play Dice-a-Roo until your pet becomes sick of it, because you can win items which you can sell to make money.

– Play Tombola and Fruit Machine.

Yet Another Guide to Neopoints Making by MetaStaiford2

Yeah, I too have decided to make a newbie guide, and the name is altairguardian on neopets, but don’t let the newbie status confuse you, I had some other accounts, all covered in rust BEFORE books disappeared.

Getting started: 500 np isn’t much, but it IS better than nothing, and the newbie pack can be useful for a FEW days, there are number of cans and cant’s about this

1. Basic supplies: Food, books, crude weapons, and toys are useful most of the time, and its worth it to make your pet smarter, happier, or stronger.

2. Bank account: This is a MUST, and I suggest when you have the amount of total money needed to improve your account status, do it! normally, bank money is dead money for awhile, but if your not gonna do anything else with it, might as well make interest.