Random Events Listing

A big thanks to hangman and waking_reality for her huge contribution to this list! Note that these random events are all alphabetically sorted.

_____ says ‘Fancy spinning the Wheel of Mediocrity?’

A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to the Mystery Island.

A ghost comes out of the ground and stares evilly at you…

A ghost grins evilly and steals 80 Neopoints form you…

A Ghostkerchief says ‘BOO

A green Scorchio flies past and says ‘Hope you are having fun!

A huge spider crawls all over the page…

A passing Chia hands you a Poogle Cracker and says ‘Happy Christmas’!!!

A Scorchio in a pointy, purple hat hands you a Trading Card and says, “This will be a nice addition to your album!”

Neoboard Search Term Easter Eggs

Easter eggs are little secrets within anything that are usually completely random and totally unrelated… but placed there by the staff. Sometimes, they do this for fun, sometimes, they do it as a sign of disgruntlement. Disney movies, Microsoft programs and such have all had Easter eggs in them, and Neopets is no exception. Here are some Easter eggs you can find by using the Neopets search tool.

Naughty naughty!

If you type naughty into the message boards it is changed to boring – lozcross

A changing bikini

If you type bikini in the Neoboards it will show up as cardigan to other people. – annabootie

NeoBoard Emoticons

Do you use Neoboards? Of course you do =P Anyway, if you do, why not use these simple attractive similes in your topic and posts to spice it up and get it more noticed!

Standard Smilies
Pet Smilies

Christmas Smilies


Halloween Smilies


Evil Smilies


Large Smilies

♥ –> gives you a heart
♠ –> gives you spades
%clubs; –> gives you clubs

PPT References on Neopets

Neopets, every now and then has referenced PPT on their website much to the delight of the PPTer populace. It happened a few times that we thought we should keep an archive. Without further ado, here they are.

The Pink Poogle Toy item

The item “Pink Poogle Toy” has the description “This lovely pink poogle moans about banner ads and frozen accounts when you squeeze it! :P.” This pokes fun at the popular Neopets fansite Pink Poogle Toy, which has a reputation for its users expressing their displeasure about these aspects of the game on its forums. – Wikipedia

Turmaculus Explained

What is the Turmaculus? “Legends speak of a petpet a who had a gigantic appetite. As he ate, he grew, and as he grew, he ate… until one day this colossal petpet could not move any more. The Turmaculus can be found in the land of Meridell, sleeping nearly 24 hours a day. If you can wake him up, chances are he may be able to help you with an item, or a healing spell… just don’t catch him in a bad mood (we weren’t kidding about his appetite!)”

In all regards, the Turmaculus is the meridell equivalent of Snow Valley’s Snowager. The difference? The snowager wakes up at certain times whilst the times in which the Turmaculus wakes up is randomized on a daily basis. However, the prizes and rewards the Turmaculus gives out to the user are considerably higher valued than what can be obtained through the Snowager.