Shop Pricing: The Most Boring Process in Neopia and What Neopets Can do to Help by Xandria Woolseyia

Today I saw that I had a lot of items in my shop… good, right? No. All of these items were set at 99,999 neopoints, and I wanted to make money, not just show off my items, seeing as they were the most random things in the world. So what do I decide to do? Go through the tedious process of pricing my items.

I get in a good rhythm; copy an item name and paste it into Microsoft Word. Copy the next item name, paste it. And so on and so forth until I have my first thirty items in Microsoft Word and can now look up their prices. Now I have to copy the names of all these same items again and paste them into the Shop Wizard search box. After refreshing many times, I find the actual lowest price and decide to put my item a few neopoints below that one. Looking at the clock, I realize all of this has taken me eight minutes, and what do I have to show but the price of one item?
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How to Create the Best Neopian Mall by Khunabah

I believe that it is safe to say that every Neopian with the amount of brain power greater than that generated by a potato has marveled at the immense size of another Neopian’s shop at least once in their time playing this game. “How awesome it must be to have a shop like that,” some think, while others ponder the reason and usefulness of this outrageously large shop, and begin to ask themselves “What in the world are they ever going to do with all of that shop space?”

Some Neopians think that upgrading your shop higher than level 5 is a complete and utter waste of time. Little do you know, though, that with the correct combination of competitive pricing, eye-catching advertising, and variety of items, the owner of a Neopian Mall can easily make upwards of 500,000 NP in one single day. To some of you that may be an outlandishly large amount of NP, and to others it may be chump change, but all-in-all, investing in a Neopian Mall has the potential of being one of the most profitable decisions you will ever make in your Neopian career. “How might one go about creating a successful Neopian Mall?” one might ask. Well, that’s what I’m here for.
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Guide to Successful Shopkeeping on Neopets by shoyru_king123

Table Of Contents

Chapter 1 – Starting out
Chapter 2 – Good items to sell
Chapter 3 – Specialty Shops
Chapter 4 – Where to get items to sell
Chapter 5 – Hints and tips
Chapter 6 – Legal stuff

Chapter 1

So, you’ve just joined Neopets and you want to venture into the wild world of shopkeeping, eh? It won’t be easy. Just like Rome wasn’t built in a day having a successful shop won’t happen overnight. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to make your shop big and successful. In case you don’t know how to create a shop, here’s how to create one. Click on the shops section on the Neopets sidebar. You should see a banner that says “The High Street” and there should be a group of icons near the top of the screen. Click on the wizard hat and it will take you to the Shop Wizard screen. Click on Create/Edit a shop and you’ll be able to type in a name for your shop as well as a description for your shop and you can choose a Shopkeeper and also give your Shopkeeper a name. After you do all that, click on the button above upgrade (the upgrade button may not be there when first creating a shop) to complete your shop. If you had the 150 neopoints required to create your shop, then congratulations! You are now a merchant! The next chapter of this FAQ will cover what items you should sell.
Continue reading “Guide to Successful Shopkeeping on Neopets by shoyru_king123”

Guide to Neopets Shop Restocks by dj_crashin

In this guide, I will tell you what the best shops to loiter at are the best, and which are the worst. along with what items you should keep an eye out for. for times sake (and yours) I will only be writing down the good shops. Only go to these if you seek np, go to others if you wish to become poor. This guide will help you see that playing games at Neopets is for suckers who don’t know the ropes and that shops are the best AND easiest way to make np. Now, with that said, here are the best shops 🙂
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Cheap Items, Small Shop Sizes and Neopoints by evil_kittie101

Now how could that be? Everyone knows that to have a good shop you have to have it big, with rare items, and not too cheap. Oh, and of course a nice background and plenty of dolls.

Au contraire.

Backgrounds and small doodads are hard to load, and many of us have small, outdated machines. Something that takes about 2 seconds for you may take almost 5 minutes for them! A background is okay, and maybe one or two dolls, but leave it at that.

Bigger isn’t better. Don’t waste all your money on this. Although it says “The bigger your shop the higher it is on the list” it’s not true. The shop wiz works for prices, not size. So even if your shop is size 2, you can still make as much money as those with a size 500.
Continue reading “Cheap Items, Small Shop Sizes and Neopoints by evil_kittie101”