KroniKK666 sits down with you and begins to talk, “AbiahCodestone sure has been acting awfully funny lately. Ever since she learned the black arts of Life Drain all she eats are gross foods that have bugs in them, as well as her being more and more conceited and vain with each passing day, and even more-so cruel and mean. Her entire eyes as well as her eye sockets, have turned blacker than the blackest of souls. Once she loved to hang at Coltzan’s Shrine with all of her friends, now, she hangs around the battledomes, draining victim after victim of their life seemingly non-stop. And when she is hurt, its best to watch out, cuz that is when she kicks her life draining into over-drive, so much so that she has all the frequent battlers shivering when she appears on the scene. It has even caused some to stop battling, which is everybody’s best bet. One day me and Sour_Puss_28304 and 238472961 sat down with her to have a crisis intervention about the way she was starting to act and her new changes. Well she just flew off the handle and instead of draining the life out of us, she sucked the cuteness out of us, disfiguring us and turning us into freakish mutants. I WAS a Christmas Nimmo… but now I am a Mutant Moehog who has no energy to do anything including fight back. 238472961 WAS a cute little red Acara, now, she is a Mutant Techo. At least Sour_Puss_28304 got to keep his species but he became a Mutant as well, a Mutant Chia. I am scared though, for with the physical changes of 238472961 and Sour_Puss_28304 came the mental changes as well for they both seem to enjoy their new freakish bodies and have even sided with AbiahCodestone and joined her on her crusade of chaos and terror and destruction.”
Tag: neopian
Give Away Times
All times are in Neopian Standard Time.
Balthazar’s Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza – 7 AM (NST)
The Health Frog Giveaway – 7 AM (NST) Daily
Muntando Fruit – Around 10:45 (NST), Monday – AM or PM
Chocolate Giveaway – 5:50 PM (NST) on SundayGive away’s take place at the Neopian Money Tree but you have to be quick.
Faeries in a Neopian World by diva_brat
Let us reflect upon faeries. I shall take an in-depth look at them, after all faeries tend to be highly looked upon in the Neopian world today, so I don’t think they’ll mind my staring. Simply put, faeries control the quests, special abilities, clouds and glens, heck, even their own land. And on top of this they also have their own scratch card, toys and dolls, and highest of all a paintbrush! But how much do we really know about these winged, well mostly winged, beings? Let us dive right in.
First lets reflect upon just how useful they are, starting with the quests. You go track down a faerie from some where on the far reaches of Neopian and they ask you to help them on a quest. So you say, Sure Ill do it! you rub youre hand gleefully together and think Hotdog Im gonna get a ton of np and some really cool items out of this! So you go trotting off to track down some dumb chocolate, if you’re lucky that’s all it’ll be, pay between 400-9000np for it and get all the way back to the faerie and give it to her. (Notice how theyre all hers? Whats wrong, cant there be male faeries? Its not sissified is it? Is there some un/written rule about it? Anyways moving on.) So you finally find your way back to this faerie who sent you on this long quest in the first place and she either thanks you or says what took you so long and you were only gone 5 minutes After all they do put you on such a short time limit. Lets just pretend its Taelia who sent you on this quest, so you go to get your reward after making sure you have all the expensive, yes expensive, I dont care if it was just 2000np for the chocolate, items with you and hit “I have your ingredients!”, (Ingredients? just what are they doing?). So she thanks you and gives you the reward. Wow!!! I so totally wanted a yellow snowball, (yellow? Yeah let me think on that one for a sec Um Better yet maybe I wont), somewhere around 60-1000np, anything above 500np and youre really lucky, and sometimes you even get an item like a piece of food or a toy, or something of that sort, (its been a while since Ive actually done a quest). And so you run down to the shop wizard and type in the item hoping just hoping its something incredible valuable, just to find out you could have bought it yourself for 25-500np from anybody on neopets. But you know what? Thats okay because now youre in good favor with the “O so Special Faeries above!” Who cares if you just blew thousands of np? You helped a faerie out!
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Dung in a Neopian World by diva_brat
You do have a point! There really IS a lot of asparagus floating around the place! Well, not literately floating, no wait, Faerie Asparagus… yeah… and apparently, I’m also a fan of Asparachucks! Anyways, I’ve also noticed that there’s a good deal of dung related items. Maybe your next article should be about dung, why it seems so popular (after all, there’s an avatar for dung! And furniture! (speaking of which, where’d you get the idea of Asparafurniture?) and where it fits into society… think about it. – gameboy42690
Well gameboy42690, I did think about it! And that’s why this whole column is dedicated solely to (drum roll here) DUN DUN DUNG! (make that whole mystery movie dun dun DUN noise there.) Except for the small part about Asparagus! In reply to how I got the idea for Asparafurniture, well I have a good imagination! Actually all it took was the fact that there’s dung furniture, cloud furniture, all kinds of strange furniture, so why shouldn’t there be Asparafurniture? I wish someone high up on TNT would read this and create some! I think that would be awesome! And I’m sure a ton of you fellow Neopians out there agree w/me on this! Also recently I’ve seen references to something called Aspararose, it’s been around some of the misc. boards and chats, so my question to my, likely small public, is have you ever seen this item? Does it really exist? I’ve searched Neopets for it, but if it does exist it’s not showing up! Fill me in on this!
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The Neopian Stock Market by vinyson41
So, youve heard a heap about the stock market but are totally confused about how to play it? Well heres a little something that you might want to consider reading:
There are three main ways in which you can play the Neopian Stock Market. But first a few general tips.
Dont listen to what that Chia guy has to say cause he is always wrong J
Try and buy 1000 shares per day to maximize your profits
Keep an eye on your shares by visiting the market once a day at least.
The stock market should not be your only form of earning nps. Personally I play a few games and what not every day to make sure I have enough spending money.
If you make a heap of money in one trade, dont go out and spend all the money right away. Keep some of it so you can keep investing in the market.
The lowest a share can go is 15nps a piece. And the highest is 150nps a piece.
You need money to make money on the stock market. If you dont have much you wont make much. ie if you only have 6,000nps you wont make much at all. But if you have 300,000nps you can make loads