Category: Game Guides

  • Snowball Fight Guide by Pendragon13

    Fist thing’s first, read the instructions! But if you’re too lazy to click the button, here’s a quick summary:

    1) Each game, you have 50 snowballs
    2) To aim, put you mouse on or near the target, to throw a snowball simply click
    3) Do not hit a faerie, you will loose 10 snowballs
    4) If you hit Dieter the Polarchuck, you gain 10 snowballs

    All of the pets earn you 10 points in the middle and 5 points slightly outside except the Meepit. This earns you double. (20 points, and 10 points.)

    There are two ways of getting more snowballs. One of them was said above, hit the Polarchuck. Another is to type snowghettiandmeatball (when there is enough space). Each gets you 10 more snowballs.

  • Imperial Exam Guide by sailorstars

    The game Imperial Exam is quite simple. You play a blue Kacheek who decides whether or not each one of the upcoming neopets gets to become a scholar or not. The problem is is that there are a lot of neopets that are posing to be scholars, but really can not spell a word. It’s your job to allow the right neopets in, and keep the bad ones out.

    Now I know what you’re thinking. “UGH SPELLING!” or “UGH EDUCATIONAL!” but it’s really not that hard. It’s merely a press of a button and knowing how to spell the word. The up and down keys are what you use throughout the entire game. Up means correct, down means false. Me personally I’m a horrible speller, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t win all 5 rounds of the game just because you’re a bad speller.

    Originally posted 2010-04-07 15:00:39.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Lots and Lots of Petpets – Part One – ben100100100509notice

    There are lots of petpets in the world of neo. I am a big petpet fan, so I have written this article about ten of them. Read on

    Pet rock
    Yes, the first petpet well be looking at is the pet rock. The only problem with having a pet rock is a) They are not fantastic conversationalists, and b), they are always asking for Neopoints. Do you know why? Its because they are stony broke! BOOM! BOOM! Geddit? Oh, never mind. Hold on, thats two reasons why rocks dont make good petpets well have to balance that out with two reasons that rocks make good petpets well err I cant think of any at the current moment, but come back to me later and I might be able to come up with something. And when I mean later I mean in, say The ultimate guide to lots and lots of petpets part six hundred and fifty five

    A lesser-known petpet, the gnarr is known to hang around the deserted fairground. They can be won from the test your strength game, and the reason I know this is because I won one. Yippee! The gnarr is a fierce fighter, and when your baby Jubjub says to their gnarr petpet I love Bertie, my gnarr, then little Bertie would probably rip your baby Jubjubs head off. Not a petpet to be messed with.

    Originally posted 2010-04-07 14:44:15.

  • Treasure Hunt Solutions

    A way to share your web site with others that have common interests : NeoCircles
    After these messages we’ll be right back : Current Sponsor
    Are those knights I see before me? : NeoKnights

    Be sure to watch out for those trees : Alpine Challenge
    Benjamin the chia may know where your next clue is : Island Arena
    Best roller coasters in Neopia : Theme Park
    Beware of those Korbats and Spyders : Korbats Lab
    Bid your way to the item you desire : Auctions

    Cartoons are awesome and cartoon games are even better : Cartoon Theatre
    Cool deals and cool offers plus 500np just for you : Cool Offers

    Do a good job and the faeries will surely bless your pet : Uber Faerie Quests
    Does your pet have enough skills to survive battledome : Training School

    Earn rewards the easy way with the help of the neopet buttons and neobadges : Link to Us

    Find the island mystic you must : Island Mystic Hut
    For a game that is just out of this world : Gormball

    Giant monsters duke it out and neopia hangs in the balance : Chiazilla versus Mechazilla

    Have you adopted one of these slave pets yet : Space Adoption Agency

    Originally posted 2010-04-07 14:43:01.

  • Table of Enchantment Guide by Racho

    The Game:
    The Table of Enchantment is a fairly basic game, based on the recently re-released Disney film, Beauty and the Beast. Playing as Chip, Mrs Potts or Cogsworth, your task is to collect rose petals as you slide along the polished table top. Collect petals by sliding over them.

    Your Health:
    Make sure you avoid the candlesticks as these damage your health. Your health is displayed as a rose in the top left hand corner of the screen – each time it deteriorates, another petal falls off. The game ends when you have no petals left. Occasionally, you can collect a mirror which reboosts your health.

    Each level has a time limit – if you get to the end of the time without losing all your health, you go to the next level. As far as I can see, all the levels are the same, only faster each time.

    You control your character using the left and right arrow keys and the space bar to jump. It really is that easy!! Once your eyes get used to the speed, you’ll be fine.

    You get 2 points per petal you collect on the first level, 3 per petal on the 2nd level, 4 on the 3rd and so on. At the end of the game, you get double your score in NP.

    Originally posted 2010-04-07 14:41:29.