
  • Snowball Fight Guide by Pendragon13

    Fist thing’s first, read the instructions! But if you’re too lazy to click the button, here’s a quick summary:

    1) Each game, you have 50 snowballs
    2) To aim, put you mouse on or near the target, to throw a snowball simply click
    3) Do not hit a faerie, you will loose 10 snowballs
    4) If you hit Dieter the Polarchuck, you gain 10 snowballs

    All of the pets earn you 10 points in the middle and 5 points slightly outside except the Meepit. This earns you double. (20 points, and 10 points.)

    There are two ways of getting more snowballs. One of them was said above, hit the Polarchuck. Another is to type snowghettiandmeatball (when there is enough space). Each gets you 10 more snowballs.

  • A Return to Planet Tamagotchi Solutions by therazorsedge28

    1. Start smashing stalactites and collect the coins. Don’t stay in that one map, smash the ones north of that region as well. Ignore the green guy. Collect 10 coins to head back to the map with the shop.

    2. Buy a “hot chocolate”.

    3. Look for that green guy and give him the chocolate. If you want extra points, enter the field and go back down. He’ll still be there and give you extra points.

    4. Go back to the shop to buy a “strength elixir”.

    5. Collect more coins for a “flashlight”.

    6. Go to the first grass map. Push that boulder away from the pathway. Go into the hole in the fence.

    7. Go over the bridge on the island.

    8. Find your way to the ninja Tamagotchi.

    9. Explore the desert to the east.

    10. At the first desert map, go south, push the boulder to cover the tornado, then keep going left at the map with the coin, so that you end up on the left side of the river.

    11. Go north.

    12. Kill the spider by pressing space.

    13. Talk to the Tamagotchi.

    14. Go back to the coin map. Collect the coin.

    15. End game, then click “resume game”. You will end up at the ice caverns. Go to the ticket stand.

    Originally posted 2010-04-07 07:19:09.

  • Spotlight on Jonny

    Hi Jonny! Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get your name? What makes you tick? What’s the most random thing thats happened to you?

    I’m Jonny and 13. I’m 14 on November 20th. I don’t really know how i got my name but I’m actually Jonathan; I changed it to Jonny in year 4. Don’t ask why. I get really annoyed by people that nag about things and the slowness of my PC! The most random thing the happened to me was when i got hit by a bus.

    Apart from being super cool and having your own sound effect who is your favorite host?

    Dave with his really cool voices!

    What is your most favorite part of hosting the shows?

    I enjoy recording really late at night/really early in the morning depending on the length of a show.

    If you could take over the shows, what would you do? Do you think you have already taken over the shows but we just don’t know it yet?

    If i did take over the shows I would probably talk a bit more than usual. I’m a dark horse, I don’t take that much… yet!

    Why did you first join The PPT Show?

    I thought it would be an awesome experience, and I would be able to share my knowledge with other players of Neopets.

    Originally posted 2007-10-27 04:32:43.

  • Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Bakery Tips

    Timing is everything
    When playing the game in the higher levels, when the first strudel drops, let it toast until it’s done and let it pop near where the second one is falling. If too many strudels are falling at one time, pop them as soon as they go into your toaster because you still get your points and none of them end up falling.

    You cannot eat a Toaster Strudel while one is in your toaster. If you are dropping too many Toaster Strudels, and you have one about to drop and one in your toaster, just pop the on in your toaster and catch the other, then the one you just popped out.