Mutant Graveyard of Doom Version 1 by Sabrina Bate


You were exploring the spooky forest one fatal night when you hear a voice chanting from the ground. Plucking up your courage you go of to explore. As you get nearer you get a weird feeling in your belly. You fall to the ground and hug your belly, as the feeling gets worse. Suddenly you change colour from a bright yellow to a sickly rotting green! “Bring me food or you will stay that way, For-ever!” A voice booms and echoes.

Would it not be easier to just nip down to your local tesco’s and maybe even get some great 2 for 1 deals? Nope this monster has a fancy only for disgusting food, the kind the food agencies try to ban! So you’re going into a huge graveyard with multiple sections, where every section is dominated with ghosts, walking tombstones and blinking giant octopus. In every section you will find food that even school would not serve you for Lunch, well, they do try.

Kreludan Mining Corp. Tips

Bonus points
Submitted by knd1994123
On the 1st level of Kredulan Mining Corp., shoot the ceiling. A rock will break and you will find a crystal pick it up with the beam for bonus points.

Drop the orb when in danger
Written by marcus aurelius
If you drop the orb by pressing ‘n’ when it swings out of control and appears to collide into a wall, you will save yourself from losing a turn. Simply go back to where you picked up the orb and another one will be in its place!

Mynci Beach Volleyball Guide by Undercoverhamster

This game is relatively easy after a bit of practice but to help you along the way, here are a few techniques.

1. Move back away from the ball and jump late. This will create a flat trajectory and ball will just go over the net causing problems for your opponent.

2. Get the ball near to the back wall and then jump, making sure that the ball bounces off the back of your head. This cause the ball to rebound off the back wall and over then net. A useful move in later levels.

3. Hit the ball right near your opponents back wall. In early levels the opponent will likely jump and miss. In later levels this is rarer but still happens.

Mop ‘n’ Bop Guide by Nergye

Ok. Mop ‘n’ Bop is, basically, a pretty easy game. All you need is an hour or so spare, enough patience to keep going for a big score, and more practically, the ability to work out the relative speeds of the different petpets. I’ll come back to that.

The basic premise of the game is this: You are playing as the Yurble Janitor from the Altador plot-line. You are wandering round the Altador Hall Of Heroes, trying to keep the floor clean, but a load of dirty petpets are walking round in the other direction, messing it up as quickly as you can clean it. Most people would give it up as a bad job, put up a sign saying that the Hall Of Heroes is closed, and THEN clean it, but not out trusty Yurble. He’s dedicated.

Moon Rock Rampage Solutions by okamotosan

Overview: Your character has to go through 20 levels collecting parts worth anywhere from a measly 1 point to a whooping 250 points! In some levels the main point-gaining method will be collecting the parts, but on certain levels there are good opportunities for you to smash Moon Rock Monsters for a lot of points!

Max points: I am sure I haven’t found the way to get the maximum amount of points from this game, but I have gotten to the top of the High Score board, so I’ve done something right : I don’t usually spend my time trying to smash as many monsters as I can. I know it is possible to smash monsters on all levels, but I’ve only listed it under the ones I use. Also, you will want all three of your lives in level 20, so if you lose a life anywhere in the game you will have to start over if you want one of those top score! I’ll explain more on that near the end.