Snowball Fight Guide by Pendragon13

Fist thing’s first, read the instructions! But if you’re too lazy to click the button, here’s a quick summary:

1) Each game, you have 50 snowballs
2) To aim, put you mouse on or near the target, to throw a snowball simply click
3) Do not hit a faerie, you will loose 10 snowballs
4) If you hit Dieter the Polarchuck, you gain 10 snowballs

All of the pets earn you 10 points in the middle and 5 points slightly outside except the Meepit. This earns you double. (20 points, and 10 points.)

There are two ways of getting more snowballs. One of them was said above, hit the Polarchuck. Another is to type snowghettiandmeatball (when there is enough space). Each gets you 10 more snowballs.

One last tip. If the snow is falling to the right, click slightly to the left and vice versa.

Happy Snowball Fights! – Pendragon13

One thought on “Snowball Fight Guide by Pendragon13”

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