Tag: games

  • How to Win at CodeBreakers by Jh

    With this strategy I got 2250 points in code breakers before not being able to stand it anymore, but maybe you have the time to get a high score, so here it goes

    1st move : do two reds and two whites, like this RRWW

    If you no colors match then you just saved yourself a move over the 5 move try all solid colors way of playing

    2nd move if there is a match : go all white or red, WWWW. Now this also has an advantage over the solid colors for 5 moves since your first move had two white on the right hand side if it comes up that you have a correct color, but in the wrong position your first move, and then your second move that is all white tells you that you have a correct color in the correct position, then you just narrowed that white stone down to two left hand slots. If your second all white move tells you that you have no matches, and the first move says that you have one or two but in the wrong position then you know you have the corresponding number of reds where the whites had been sitting.

  • Nimmo’s Pond Strategy by qazwaseddy2

    The main trick here, is to not move! Put your index and middle fingers on your left and right keys… nothing else (but remember the bomb button is “b” and the tongue is “v”) and you don’t want to turn TOO much- it’ll wear down your paddling, occasionally stop when you’re not busy to let it fill back up.

    All weapons are good, especially the green “rapid fire” and the yellow “spread”. It may sound annoying- but no moving once again! even the slightest tap with your up or down button will cause you to move FOREVER in the game! there is NO stopping once you go.

  • How to Not Get Scammed by yummyxbunnies

    Well, first you have to know something. You’ve seen those other guides where those people give you simple advice and tell you all random information that you usually don’t even need to know, right? For example: “Don’t log in to a fake log in page!” Well, duh. We aren’t ALL vegetables you know. But I am going to tell you what scammers and hackers REALLY think about when going about doing it, because I used to scam and hack people’s accounts. I stopped since I got frozen and I realized that it really WASN’T worth losing my account over a few thousand np. So let’s start from the basics.

  • How to Find Games With Easy Neopoints by sushiboat

    Some games are so fun that playing them is its own reward. Other games are just a way of getting neopoints. This guide is about the second kind. I assume that you want to find games that give you a lot of Neopoints with as little time and effort as possible.

    Other guides have just given lists of games that give easy points. However, some of these games are removed by Neopets after a while because they are primarily advertisements for a limited time (e.g., while a movie is playing in theaters). To replace games that are removed, you will have to look through the lists of games, and it helps to know a couple of telltale signs of easy points.

  • Trading Post Hysteria by Ania

    Trading? There are a few simple things to know.

    First off, I dont mean to start this article sounding like some heartless person. I understand that its hard to earn neopoints, that playing the same games gets boring, and that those paintbrushes are REALLY expensive but theres a few basic things that you shouldnt do when youre on Neopets.

    One of my first pieces of advice is that it that reposting a message saying TYPETHISMESSAGEINTENOF YOURTRADESANDGO2FAERIELANDANDYOU WILLFIND2000000NEOPOINTSAND AVERYRAREPAINTBRUSHTHISHASBEEN APPROVEDBYNEOPETS is completely pointless and a waste of your time. I was at the Trading Post and I saw so many of these messages. Ive been guilty of that, I admit it. In my newbie days, I was really nave. But reposting messages like that will never get you anything but reported by people who are sick of seeing spam all over Neopets.