Category: Scamming Guides

  • Scammer: Real Conversation by xo_melon_ox

    I have an actual conversation with a scammer on AIM (Aol Instant Messanger). This conversation is by xo_melon_ox and sherty675 (both neopet usernames)

    xo_melon_ox is KaTmEtS4 and sherty675 is HamtaroSugarpie

    K a T m E t S4: hi its xo_cookies_ox on neopets. so you know wher i can get NP?
    HamtaroSugarpie: yea
    HamtaroSugarpie: i have a np tripler

    (yeah right!)

    K a T m E t S4: oh..
    HamtaroSugarpie: how much do you have?
    K a T m E t S4: ummm…
    HamtaroSugarpie: you really dont have to do this you know
    K a T m E t S4: about 50,000

    (actually I only had about 10,000! lol)

    K a T m E t S4: yea I know. but its really cool how I can get lots of NP

  • How to Not Get Scammed by yummyxbunnies

    Well, first you have to know something. You’ve seen those other guides where those people give you simple advice and tell you all random information that you usually don’t even need to know, right? For example: “Don’t log in to a fake log in page!” Well, duh. We aren’t ALL vegetables you know. But I am going to tell you what scammers and hackers REALLY think about when going about doing it, because I used to scam and hack people’s accounts. I stopped since I got frozen and I realized that it really WASN’T worth losing my account over a few thousand np. So let’s start from the basics.

  • Scamming/Hacking – A White Rabbit’s Hackers Point of View by ladymcalpine2001

    The name’s ladymcalpine2001. I’ve been with Neopets for 21 months now, and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. But I’ve been the victim of 9 account hacks – my pet, babatasha, is the sole survivor of those 9 hacks. All my other pets were frozen/deleted.

    My stupidity was the cause of the first 2 hacks – scammers if you will. The third, fourth and fifth times were through who I thought were TRUSTED Neofriends. Sixth was through someone deciding my account with 2.8 million NP would be good to share, which resulted in it being frozen. Seventh and eight times were through blatant smartasses being “cool” on Neopets. And the Ninth was only recently…

  • What They Don’t Want You to Know About Scams by fiddelysquat

    There is a 99.99% chance that you have absolutely NO IDEA who I am, and I don’t blame you, really. My username is fiddelysquat, and I’m setting about the task of making Neopia a better place. I plan to do this not by reporting every scammer and freezing every hacker, I plan to educate Neopets players. Please, don’t hit the back button just yet: I plant to teach you some lessons not only valuable on Neopets, but valuable in life outside of Neopia.

    People are always writing articles that simply list the ways of being scammed, and telling you not to fall for them. I have yet to see an article that answers the single most important question a human being can ask. Why? Why is it impossible to generate neopoints? Why cant there be a program out there that multiplies items and such? Being the inquisitive young girl I am, I set about to find out for all of you.

  • Stay Safe. Stay Alert. Stay Happy. by Sesshomaru0111

    Hackers and scammers run freely around the web…
    Hackers and scammers are everywhere! Think they don’t exist, think again! They are in fact, VERY real, and they do just what you think they do. Trick you, and steal your hard earned NP, and items. They are very smart, and very slick. And believe me, you DON’T want to be part of their terrible plans. Stay away from hackers, and scammers!

    How can I be safe and alert?
    Sometimes, hackers and scammers are pretty sneaky. And pretty tempting. But, how can you be up to date on the latest and greatest ways to be safe? Who can help you and give you excellent peace of mind? Well, I made this site for this exact reason. To help innocent Neopians, like yourself, from being hacked and scammed. (Also check out the Neopets wall of shame to stay aware of the current threats on Neopets!)