Altador Cup Prizes 2007

The Altador Cup Coordinating Committee’s Prize Shop Subcommittee Chairman greets you as you enter the shop. “Welcome! You’ve come to spend your Altador Cup prize points, I take it? Well, we’ve got quite a selection for you here today. Feel free to look around before you decide…”

So you’ve completed the Altador plot and want to know what prizes are available now? Well wonder no more my Neopian friend, for below is the complete list to all the plot prizes available.

Didn’t complete the Altador plot? Unfortunately you won’t be able to access these prizes, but don’t worry; there is always next time.

For those who are about to collect their prizes, a good tip is to keep the prizes in your Safety Deposit Box for a long time as they usually appreciate in value. Just make sure you choose a good prize and not one that everyone can get.

The Simplest Way to Make Neopoints by Abbie

The best way there is to make neopoints, as most of us know, is to run a successful shop. However, knowing the best methods on how to make a profit by selling things in Neopia. Thus, I have written an easy-to-follow 5-step guide on how to buy low but sell high.

1. Choose a few items for your shop to specialize in. These should be items that are in high demand, to ensure that they will sell, and they should also be one-time-use items, to ensure that people keep coming back for more. Some suggestions are codestones, faeries, and neggs.

2. Find out which section of the market you are in. This is determined by the first character of your screen name, because when the shop wizard makes a search it searches one section at a time. Find out which section you are in by searching for an item on the shop wizard and pressing refresh (and clicking yes when it asks if you want to resend the information) until some of the screen names it comes up with start with the same letter as yours. The other screen names that come up will begin with the other letters in your section. This step is necessary because prices will vary from section to section, and this way you will be able to price your items so that your shop appears first on the list when people search for your items, but are still able to price your items high enough to make profit.

Snowmuncher Guide by Timo E

With a golden Snowmuncher champion trophy and a high score of over 17,000 in Snowmuncher, I decided to make a proper game guide!

Principles to follow and hints to try:

1. Stay in the middle lane [this will allow you to cover as much ground as possible when getting gems and bottles. If you are close to the wall, you usually have only one way to escape!]

2. The bottles determine your path [you have to follow the bottles or you lose a life, you can not skip any of them usually. Also, usually you can not trade a bottle for a gem. You’ll get the gem and lose a life.]

How to Not Get Scammed by yummyxbunnies

Well, first you have to know something. You’ve seen those other guides where those people give you simple advice and tell you all random information that you usually don’t even need to know, right? For example: “Don’t log in to a fake log in page!” Well, duh. We aren’t ALL vegetables you know. But I am going to tell you what scammers and hackers REALLY think about when going about doing it, because I used to scam and hack people’s accounts. I stopped since I got frozen and I realized that it really WASN’T worth losing my account over a few thousand np. So let’s start from the basics.

How to Find Games With Easy Neopoints by sushiboat

Some games are so fun that playing them is its own reward. Other games are just a way of getting neopoints. This guide is about the second kind. I assume that you want to find games that give you a lot of Neopoints with as little time and effort as possible.

Other guides have just given lists of games that give easy points. However, some of these games are removed by Neopets after a while because they are primarily advertisements for a limited time (e.g., while a movie is playing in theaters). To replace games that are removed, you will have to look through the lists of games, and it helps to know a couple of telltale signs of easy points.