Choosing Your Neopet: More Important Than You Might Think by Justin

Do you have a neopet? If you don’t you should.

Neopets offer companionship and loyalty, something humans aren’t 100% capable of.

Owning a Neopet gives a person a sense of respect for all the non-human critters out there, regardless of what they own.

If you live alone, playing with your neopet is a great way to unwind at the end of the day or if you have a family, owning a neopet sets guidelines of responsibility for the young.

At the end of the day, having a neopet is always fulfilling.

Choosing a neopet can be a difficult process.

By choosing a neopet, one must have the appropriate amount of time, a strong budget, and be able to spend enough time with the neopet.

Neopets: Not as Good as You Might Think

Neopets often does not listen to what their users want, and this is the second reason most people leave (first is being frozen). Neopets has been known to freeze for no reason, or a generic reason with little to no explanation.

It takes most users over a year to get their account back when frozen, if they even get a response, which 95% of the time they do not. Any item that actually does something worth while costs so much money that you would have to save up for several months to get it, which by that time, either the item is no longer available, or no longer has the desired effect.

Neopets: How Much is Too Much? by Shoyru_Lover

The eternal question no doubt (actually not really, but it makes good conversation!!). How much Neopets is too much and is it really good for you?

I once chatted with a lovely girl called Kaorichan and, after a while, the topic of “How much time do you spend on Neopets” popped up. After careful prodding and prying, Kaorichan mentioned once speaking to a man who told her he spent on average about 13 hours a day on it. The response, “Hello! Wake up, have a shave and brush your teeth!” seemed to be on both our minds.

While the example above is an example of someone who clearly spends too much time on Neopets to the point where it is unhealthy, I’ve witnessed some people who are absolute fanatics about the game to the point that it scares me, even more than Cruella Devil on 101 Dalmatians (she did a real good job of terrifying me).

Freezing Up by battledoming101

To all those who have played Neopets or may currently do so, prepare to probably have your views on the entire game changed. This article, especially for hardcore players such as your battledomers, traders, or other rich entities, will challenge everything you’ve ever known.

First a question: How many of you know someone who has been iced? I’m sure most of you know at least one person. Now how many of those people claimed an unfair icing? Again, a fair amount. Now I’m sure some of these people have legitimate claims, but the rest may have slipped up at least once which resulted in an icing.

Illusen by cjcooliogurl

Illusen. Sure shes poked a hole in our wallets. A hole that keeps getting bigger and bigger. But now that her quests are gone what’s going to happen to her? To her quests? Here’s my theory.

Well, shes just going to disappear why not? Easy. Illusen isn’t going to disappear. Shes a faerie. A living faerie (OK if you’re confused just remember that this is Neopets. Play along.) So, now you’re thinking, Well, if you’re so smart, whats going to happen to her?

Its really quite simple. Not including Meridell, there are nine worlds. Why doesn’t she go to one of those places, rebuild her Glade, and live happily ever after again?? Sounds good to me. But which one will she choose?? If you think about it, its a hard choice. Where should I go? Here’s where and where not she should take her quests to and (what I think) a pretty good explanation of it