Category: Game Tips

  • Faerie Cloud Racers Tips

    Take the advantage

    When you start faerie cloud racers, normally your opponent doesn’t start all the way at the end. Fill up that extra space between their line and the wall as fast as you can, because that is similar to their life line. I find if I do this without losing, my opponent usually loses within a few seconds! –

    Tips you should know

    1) You have to try to TRAP the other player.
    2) Try to close them in a corner so they can’t go any farther.
    3) NEVER play on the hard mode if you aren’t comfortable. Try the easy mode instead. (I prefer the medium mode.) – nancymckeon221

  • Faerie Crossword Tips

    Answers that don’t fit

    I had some problems with the crossword. One of them was something like, “Flame ability, hypnotizes pets” so I tried Fiery gaze, but that didn’t fit with the word connecting to it, so I tried spelling it “fierygaze” and that worked and I completed the puzzle. So if you think your answer is correct, but it doesn’t fit, try spelling it differently so it does fit! – Angela SanCartier

    For solutions that aren’t on PPT

    To find the answers that can’t be found in PPT (for newbies):

    Questions about “ticker symbol”
    Go to the bottom game section, and go to the stock market. click find stocks. there you can find all the initials of the companies.

  • Poke Match Tips

    PokeMatch Mini Guide

    PokeMatch isn’t exactly a very hard game. Or at least not until you get into the higher levels, then it becomes a problem. But there is a trick to the game! To win (the easy way), click on the Pokemon 3 Movie Cases as fast as you can. While doing this, remember some of the Pokemon that appear and where they are. Then when the matching Pokemon that you remembered appears, click on him (fast), and repeat these steps until you have finished the puzzle. Also, when trying to complete a puzzle, NEVER look at the time, this will screw you up. By doing all of this, I am sure you will always win (at least I would hope so). – tiromere

  • Itchy Invasion Cheats

    Restore the Pest-B-Gone to full
    Type pest to restore Pest-B-Gone to full. You can use this once per game. – Grace Nicholas

  • Ice Cream Machine Tips

    Catching the red scoop in the strawberry level
    Catching a red scoop on the strawberry level has no effect, so by catching red scoops, you can never get slower that level 1. – Lady_Wart

    General observations
    The strawberry bomb isn’t necessary because it clears your screen without giving you points and if you are small then it makes you big again! But if you accidentally get the size enlarging ice cream scoop, then it’d be a good idea to get it! – flippinthebird324