Well, first you have to know something. You’ve seen those other guides where those people give you simple advice and tell you all random information that you usually don’t even need to know, right? For example: “Don’t log in to a fake log in page!” Well, duh. We aren’t ALL vegetables you know. But I am going to tell you what scammers and hackers REALLY think about when going about doing it, because I used to scam and hack people’s accounts. I stopped since I got frozen and I realized that it really WASN’T worth losing my account over a few thousand np. So let’s start from the basics.
Tag: scammed
How to Not Get Scammed by yummyxbunnies
Scammed: What to Do by henryitta
Last night, as I was looking for Codestones for the Training School (since dubloons have gotten to be so expensive!) I stumbled across a shop held by Kalisan_Purple. In this store, there was a Greater Staff of the Earth Faerie for 50,000NP. I quickly went to my bank to take out the cash to purchase this but when I clicked on it, I was taken to a log out (the one with the faerie aisha) screen asking me to give my password.
I gave up and returned to looking for my codestones when I noticed that I had over a million NP in my side bar and the number was dropping drastically. I went to the bank to see that my 3.25 million NP (a years worth of saving) was gone.
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Scammed: A True Story 2
Remember BabyBlue12988 who scammed a user earlier this year? Well BabyBlue12988 is still on the loose and still very much using the same scam to scam other users. Recently, some members from the PPT Forums all joined a chat room, and invited BabyBlue12988 to trick her into scamming them. However, we all know of course that they would never give her their real usernames and/or passwords but rather, just to play with BabyBlue12988 a bit and annoy here. The following is a transcript of what occurred.
Here’s the log when we tricked her: People who participated in tricking this scammer (all PPT users): Dzyh/CragHack90), janiejanie(Janie Janiee), FourScore(HKdragon8 ), Usugi_Raichu(StarFirefly26)
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Scammed by Claudette
* My quotes have the the little wave things on the side*
Maximum140’s Msg Board Title: Answer this Life Changing Question Question And Win! Only Accepting First Ten Ppl! Neo-Mail Me!
The e-mail I sent to her:
Lolz. Ok, what is this “life changing question”?
Maximum140’s Response:
What colour is tigger of winnie the pooh?
a) Black n White
b) Black n Orange
c) Yellow n Grey?~Some life-changing question!~
My Response:
Her Response:
Well Done!!!!!!!! You are 1 of 10 ppl! you are the first to win so… i will get the nps to u first! All you need to do is… Reply inclosing your username and p_word to the account you would like the neopoints to be placed. then i will proseed in installing the nps to the account choosen, this may take an hour or so to complete.
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Scammed Help by abara_kadabra69
Most people give you advice on how not to get scammed and what to do if you do get scammed
Well I am here to tell you what happened to me and how it happened.
If anyone ever asks you for your password then do not even give them you password for your other account you do not use.
I got scammed on the Trading Post. I knew it was a scam so I thought I would check it out just to make sure, the one important thing I did not do is report the person or remember the name of the person, always remember the scammers name or the person will keep getting away with it.