Hey there, so you wanna get NP quick ay? Well gaining NP takes TIME and PATIENCE, so please do not think this is a “1 Million NP in 10 Days” guide. That said… let’s move on to the nitty-gritty.
Do you really need it???
So one day on Neopets you find the most glorious paint brush or item you have ever wanted. You’re so desperate to get it but there goes almost all of your NP in one go. Think to yourself first of all, is this a MUST have item, or do you want it to impress people, e.g. showing off a painted pet. Don’t forget this fact as most people tend to buy paint-brushes as an indication they want there pets to be noticed. Now, lets get to the NP Making.
Making NP:
1. First of, its a particularly good idea to visit the daily freebies such as:
* The Tombola (Mystery Island)
* Coltzans Shrine (Lost Desert)
* Wheel of Excitement (Faerieland)
* Wheel of Mediocrity (Tyrannia)
* Wheel of Monotony (Tyrannia) (NOTE: This 1 will take A LOT of time)
* Wheel of Misfortune (Haunted Woods > Deserted Fairground)
* Fruit Machine (Lost Desert)
* Scratchcards (Lost Desert, Deserted Fairground, Terror Mountain) (NOTE: For scratchcards, you may only purchase from “1” of the stores)