Tag: easy neopoints

  • How to Overcome the Inexperienced Newbie Experience and Get Easy Neopoints by fury_damage

    Strawberry Jelly for only 500np? I must buy it before someone else does!

    Sound Familiar? Maybe not for strawberry jelly, which I thought was so good, but perhaps for another inexpensive Neopian item that, as a newbie, you paid too much for. When I first started playing Neopets I bought many foolish items from the top shops in Neopia for way more than they are worth. While Ive still kept a few of the things, like the ball of blue yarn (800np), Ive certainly learned my lesson as to how to make the most of the Shop Wizard, Auction House, and the Mystery Island Trading Post. Once I became familiar with Neopets I also discovered the greatness that is PPT. This website has taught me everything I know about Neopets and that is why I am now writing a guide for PPT and its other visitors about how to overcome the inexperienced newbie experience. So to all newbies:

    1) Dont Be Afraid of the Bank!

    Im not quite sure if anyone was afraid of the putting his or her precious neopoints into the bank, but I sure was. I remember reluctantly clicking on the link to the bank and seeing the face of that Skeith I was positive that he would eat or steal my neopoints as soon as I put them in my bank account. So for a couple weeks I let my first few thousands pile up until I decided to put them in the bank. Eventually I realized that of course the bank was better than letting the random event of the Kings taxes taking neopoints from me. But I wasnt just afraid of the bank, and random events. Oh no. I was even more afraid of the money tree ghosts taking neopoints from me even though I never was fast enough to take something from the money tree but thats a different story. So, why was I so afraid of losing my neopoints while they were in the bank? Because I had never read anywhere about the bank taking money from people. My message to all Neopians, if youre like me when I started playing in Neopia, dont be afraid put your neopoints in the bank a.s.a.p. And start collecting interest today!

  • How to Make and Save Easy Neopoints Without Playing Games by blue_magoo

    Okay, First of all I want to say that almost all the guides in this section involve games. Well, if you have a slow computer like some people, or are just not very good at games, here’s the guide for you.

    (1) If you don’t have a shop MAKE ONE!! They help SO MUCH. I’ve gotten at LEAST 100,000 np over time selling little things that I don’t use in my shop.

    (2) If you think about it… Why put something in your Safety Deposit Box? (Unless you’re waiting for a trade or something) All they’re going to do there is sit and rot. ROT ROT ROT!! I sold everything in my SDB and I got almost 50,000 np.

    (3) Here’s a GIGANTIC ONE!! I know how to get things from the money tree almost every time. I’m reluctant to say this as it is my secret, but I will. Here are the VERY EASY steps:

    -Check to see what Internet Browser you’re using. If you’re using Internet Explorer (Which most people are), you’ll notice that if you refresh a page when you’re scrolled halfway down, it will reload the page and automatically scroll down to the spot that you were in.

    -Go to the money tree. The first time you load the page, don’t bother trying to get anything.

  • Easy Neopoints by mans001

    Easy Games

    Want to know some easy games to play? Well, I’ve got a whole list of games to play that earn neopoints in minutes! Scroll down to see some.

    200m Peanut Dash

    I find that in this game, if you want a good score you have to hit the bar at least in red. Once you have passed this, double-jump as many logs as you can. What I do is press the left and right keys early, and at the last second press up. The first log is usually around 50m.Score 800 points and you have 600np every time!

  • Easy Neopoints by nikkinikki6748

    Here are some of the easiest ways to earn fast neopoints.

    * Play the personality quizzes. Two of them are 300 pointers and the other two are 200 pointers. You do the math. That’s 3,000 neopoints if you send your score three times on each one. There are two in action and two in puzzle. To get the second one in action go to A Music Bistro. Then Aly and Aj personality quiz. If you do this and play a couple other games every day for a month you will get 100,000 neopoints if u do the math correctly.

    * Play a lot of games your good at it really pays off if u get good points.

  • Guide to Easy Neopoints by _dark_bunny_

    If youre looking for a guide to tell you to do the freebies and play games, read one of the other neopoints guide on PPT, which ALL seem to be the same. Hope you like my guide, I tried to make it as different as possible from the other guides.

    Easiest Way [I Know]

    There are some items that can be used more than once such as omelettes. Some items are worth more after you use them once e.g. two dubloon coin costs about 3980 np to be precise, when you spend it on something worth one dubloon at the Golden Dubloon [a restaurant located in Krawk Island] you get one dubloon coin change, and a one dubloon coin is worth about 4500np [last time I checked], see where Im going with this? Another type of item similar to this are 1/3rds of pizzas, eat one piece and they usually end up selling for quite a bit more.