The Pink Poogle Toy Show 53: Lee Gets Scammed

Kym Huynh and Lee join forces today and bust out those scammer banishing rays to talk about all the ways you can get scammed and hacked on Neopets.

  • Lee’s recent hacking
  • How you can prevent being hacked
  • How you can recover your account or neopet
  • How to contact The Neopets Team
  • Common scams in Neopets
  • Cookie Grabbers
  • Frozen? Here’s What to Do
  • Your Account Stolen? Here’s What to Do


14 responses to “The Pink Poogle Toy Show 53: Lee Gets Scammed”

  1. Cameron Avatar

    Also, about that “If pets get stolen, take a screenshot” thing, screenshots can be fake. Very, very easily.

  2. Evil Grinning Avatar
    Evil Grinning

    You guys are so awesome and I can’t wait until the 54th podcast.

  3. Evil Grinning Avatar
    Evil Grinning

    Good luck Ella on your quest to save the world. Tell us next week what happened on your quest. 🙂

  4. lemonade Avatar

    That show made me change my password and add a pin number on my account, i feel safe now! 🙂

    P.S. I hope your account recovers lee.

  5. Jentzi Avatar

    Hmm, scams.. I actually ran a guild focused on nailing scammers and alerting about new scammer-tricks. One tried tricking a friend to give out her e-mail by claiming that she was “collecting support against animal cruelty”. When told off, she got -very- rude.

    And it´s funny how people don´t realise that ALL info is tied to the mail, not the person, pw, pin or whatever. You´d think that people read the rules and the reasons for them, neh?

    About passwords: A non-english language is very useful.

  6. nicholas Avatar

    wow.poor lee……my friends brother scamed and my freind for a while and now….well lets just say thats not going too iv got petpets_rule_ppla.its better any how.

  7. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By nicholas
    wow.poor lee……my friends brother scamed and my freind for a while and now….well lets just say thats not going too iv got petpets_rule_ppla.its better any how.

    Good on you Nicolas. 🙂 Fool me once shame on you… fool me twice shame on me.

  8. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By Jentzi
    Hmm, scams.. I actually ran a guild focused on nailing scammers and alerting about new scammer-tricks. One tried tricking a friend to give out her e-mail by claiming that she was “collecting support against animal cruelty”. When told off, she got -very- rude.

    Ahh I just need to buy a Japanese keyboard then neh? 🙂

  9. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By lemonade
    That show made me change my password and add a pin number on my account, i feel safe now! :)

    Great to see some good steps taken to protect your account Lemonade.

  10. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By Evil Grinning
    Good luck Ella on your quest to save the world. Tell us next week what happened on your quest. :-)

    She’s officially saved the world now. 😉

  11. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By Evil Grinning
    You guys are so awesome and I can’t wait until the 54th podcast.

    Thanks for the great comment Evil Grinning.

  12. Kym Huynh Avatar

    Originally Posted By Cameron
    Also, about that “If pets get stolen, take a screenshot” thing, screenshots can be fake. Very, very easily.

    That’s true… but it is better than nothing.

  13. Tracy Avatar

    Haha I relate with you Kym; when I got hacked, also many years ago, I felt so enraged that I spent what money I was left on a Halloween paint brush.

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