Korbat’s Lab Guide by Kaioti

Korbat Lab potions and their effects
Purple potion = Bigger paddle
Purple potion with white bottle = Smaller paddle
Yellow potion = Makes left key go right, and right key go left
Blue potion = Slows paddle down
Red potion = Unstoppable ball ~ breaks everything including obstacles (excludes Korbats and Spyders)
Black potion with green outline = Missiles ~ breaks blocks, but not obstacles
Skull = Automatic game over
Flashing green/aqua = Makes paddle go faster
Bright orange = Blows up a section of blocks, also triggers an instant game over skull to fall
Black potion with red outline = Restarts level, but allows you to keep all points made
Orange potion with red outline = Eliminates all Spyders and Korbats

Dubloon Disaster Guide by Neofrog140

The new neopets game, Dubloon Disaster. In fact, it’s a lot like Meerca Chase. Well let me tell you all about it… First of all, I was one of the first 25 people to play it besides theneopetsteam. So, I got a jump start on the game and got to practice getting good at it before many new it was there! The basic object of the game is to get the dubloons by steering a little boat with the arrow keys. For every dubloon you touch or claim points for, a mine from Black Pawkeet’s ship will appear. You don’t want to touch the mines though because, your character, Dorak the Krawk will die and the game will be over. As the game goes on, the mines move faster. The mines will most likely follow you all over the place the whole time until the end of the game. So, get use to them.

Neopets Basics

If you’re a new player to Neopets and want to quickly know the ins and outs of this fantastical game, this section provides a comprehensive but quick overview of how Neopets came to be, where it is headed, the characters you’ll meet and some of the most common activities a new member will need to become acquainted with.

A Word From Kym
In the Beginning…
The Menu System
Neopian Lands
The Neopets
Care and Feeding
Adopt & Transfer
Faeries of Neopia
Neoboard Rules

Freaky Factory Guide by shapu

First off, unless you have a superfast computer, play this in low quality. It’ll run much smoother, which is VERY important considering how much timing matters in this game.

In levels one through four, make sure that two of your vats are full before you make your first toy (that is, make sure that if your first toy must be red, fill the yellow and blue vats to the top first). And don’t drop anything into that final vat unless you’ll have at least enough left over after that first toy to make one more of the same color(s).