Korbat’s Lab Guide by Kaioti

Korbat Lab potions and their effects
Purple potion = Bigger paddle
Purple potion with white bottle = Smaller paddle
Yellow potion = Makes left key go right, and right key go left
Blue potion = Slows paddle down
Red potion = Unstoppable ball ~ breaks everything including obstacles (excludes Korbats and Spyders)
Black potion with green outline = Missiles ~ breaks blocks, but not obstacles
Skull = Automatic game over
Flashing green/aqua = Makes paddle go faster
Bright orange = Blows up a section of blocks, also triggers an instant game over skull to fall
Black potion with red outline = Restarts level, but allows you to keep all points made

Orange potion with red outline = Eliminates all Spyders and Korbats
Solid white bottle = Moves you straight to the next level

Korbat Lab blocks and their Effects
Moneybag = 50 point or more (randomly placed in a block)
Fire Block = Causes all blocks under it to catch fire and disappear
Bomb Block = Blows and kills everything within a 3-block radius
Next level = Random block in some levels that will let u skip ahead to the next level – GlitterFairy3186

Things to watch out for
Ball catch:
Every so often a Korbat will hit the ball into the upper left hand corner of the screen. It takes a LONG time, but eventually it will fall down again. The ball can also get ‘stuck’ between boxes and other nooks or crannies on the screen. The single most annoying thing about this (besides the fact that you can loose the ball if you’re not careful) is levels where the entire upper part of the screen is metal. If your ball gets stuck above the metal you might as well quit, there’s usually no way for it to return down, though a Korbat might hit it and it’ll actually come UP from the bottom of the screen. This is almost unique, though, and is not really worth waiting for.

Level Freeze:
As has been mentioned, sometimes you just get stuck at a certain level. Even though you’ve hit all the boxes you simply don’t advance. This TENDS to happen when you hit a fire box or ‘rock’ box last, but I got as far as level 21, hit a ‘normal’ box and still didn’t advance. – Kaioti

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