Tag: freaky factory

  • How to Score 1000 Neopoints by Playing Freaky Factory by Katdragon

    I’ve been playing this game ever since I became a member of Neopets (back in the dark ages when we didn’t have a stock market) and it’s still one of my favourites.

    For a while, neopets put the ratio of this game down to a ridiculous 0.3 or something like that – but now they’ve got it up and running so that with a ratio of 2.81 you don’t have to get much over 400 points in the game to earn your 1000np

    As with my Hasee Bounce guide, this is not an actual description of the parts of the game, and how to play it. There are other guides for that – this is more of a strategic guide with some tips and tricks that I’ve picked up over the years.

  • Freaky Factory Guide by shapu

    First off, unless you have a superfast computer, play this in low quality. It’ll run much smoother, which is VERY important considering how much timing matters in this game.

    In levels one through four, make sure that two of your vats are full before you make your first toy (that is, make sure that if your first toy must be red, fill the yellow and blue vats to the top first). And don’t drop anything into that final vat unless you’ll have at least enough left over after that first toy to make one more of the same color(s).