Tag: lab

  • Lab Jellies Shop Layout

    Lab Jellies Shop Layout
    Pretty up your Neopets shop using our pre-made shop layouts. All you need to do is click on the link below and copy + paste it into your edit screen.

    Lab Jellies Shop Layout

  • Korbat’s Lab Cheats

    Gain an extra life

    Type in SPIDERBITE to get an an extra life.

  • Korbat’s Lab Tips

    Things that fall and what they do

    Purple potion-long paddle
    Light pink potion-small paddle
    Red potion in clear bottle/light red bottle-ball turns red and goes through everything
    Dark blue potion in clear bottle-paddle gets slower
    Light blue potion in blue bottle-faster paddle
    Red potion in dark red bottle-restarts level
    Yellow potion in red bottle-backwards commands
    Red potion in yellow bottle-blows up some blocks
    Skull-game over – _moonshine_2002

    Korbat’s Lab Help

    On some of the levels on this game you have to make it up the side wall in order to reach the bricks on the inside. There is an easy way to do this on the first shot. On the background, there is a picture of a lab, and at the bottom is the graphic for the floor. There are two cracks on the floor, one on the left, and one on the right. On the left-hand crack, line the left side of the ball (on your paddle) up to the right side of the crack and shoot the ball. It should go off to the right and go right up into the hole. This works great on level 2 and other levels later on. (P.S. The clock on the right hand wall tells you how many lives you have left.) – Marcus Vaal marcus_vaal@msn.com

  • Korbat’s Lab Guide by Kaioti

    Korbat Lab potions and their effects
    Purple potion = Bigger paddle
    Purple potion with white bottle = Smaller paddle
    Yellow potion = Makes left key go right, and right key go left
    Blue potion = Slows paddle down
    Red potion = Unstoppable ball ~ breaks everything including obstacles (excludes Korbats and Spyders)
    Black potion with green outline = Missiles ~ breaks blocks, but not obstacles
    Skull = Automatic game over
    Flashing green/aqua = Makes paddle go faster
    Bright orange = Blows up a section of blocks, also triggers an instant game over skull to fall
    Black potion with red outline = Restarts level, but allows you to keep all points made