Scam Busting by usaqtpie4u

My alias is usaqtpie4u (pop_princess05 is the scammer), but that’s not the real username. My thoughts are in italics. My email is the right one though. 🙂

usaqtpie4u: hi
Cheerlimited2: Hey!
Cheerlimited2: whats up?
usaqtpie4u: i saw your post on neopets
Cheerlimited2: oohhhh
usaqtpie4u: wats the big secret?

Iike I am stupid enough.

Cheerlimited2: well
Cheerlimited2: k, there is this thing where i can get into the neopets mainframe. i can enter an “interunded sequented data”‘ code and tht will get u access to anyones on neopets bank account. even tho u will have the money too, it doesnt take any away from the person so it is A ok:P i ned this info. user pword do u have a bank account? Now if i give u som 1 else’s bank account it will delete ur old 1 but u will be richer!

Petpetsitter Guide by Tan Hui Tian

When at first faced with the challenge of Petpetsitting, I was dubious and clueless about the game. However, through sheer determination and lots of practice, I bring you this guide!

In my opinion, Petpetsitter is one of the easiest games in the Games Room. Also, it is ridiculously easy to score, rendering me dizzy with the amount of neopoints I earn just from playing that one single game.

However I have to warn you, its addictive and very time-consuming! (Plus it hurts your eyes after a while)

Enough of my ranting and straight to the tips!

Here are my tricks of playing the game:


1. Practice!
