Petpetsitter Guide by Tan Hui Tian

When at first faced with the challenge of Petpetsitting, I was dubious and clueless about the game. However, through sheer determination and lots of practice, I bring you this guide!

In my opinion, Petpetsitter is one of the easiest games in the Games Room. Also, it is ridiculously easy to score, rendering me dizzy with the amount of neopoints I earn just from playing that one single game.

However I have to warn you, its addictive and very time-consuming! (Plus it hurts your eyes after a while)

Enough of my ranting and straight to the tips!

Here are my tricks of playing the game:


1. Practice!

I know its not much of a tip but its one of the most important criteria you have to meet in order to get a high score. Petpetsitter, while relatively easy to understand, requires you to a good feel of the game in order to get the pretty looking trophy. Familiarize yourself with the actions of the petpet and the locations of the drop-off point. Only then can you master the game.

2. Use the full-screen size

Im not sure if this will work for you but it works for me. Its easy to click on the petpets this way and you dont have to have your nose stuck to the monitor to find the poor little Babaa thats snoozing away at that particular corner. Although the picture quality might be affected, I find that this helps a lot.

3. Volume to the full blast!

If you are familiar to the game, you will notice that the pitiful whines of the petpets play an important role in getting a high score. Different petpets emit different noises, so if you hear a low Rawr, thats the work of that Noil dying to go out and play. Also, the sound gets louder when the countdown starts, so youll know whom to attend to first! I recommend that you turn your speakers up, so youll be able to hear the considerably soft noises.

4. Patience

I have to tell you, the game has one similarity to real-life babysitting. It gets troublesome, tiresome and boring after a while. And believe me, your hands and eyes will become sore after three consecutive plays. Looking out for the petpet in need amongst the whirl of movement not only makes you giddy, it also sometimes tests your perseverance. There are gaps of times when the petpets only moves around and you have nothing to do, and I would strongly recommend that you close your eyes for that moment and just listen to the sounds. This game really trained me to be patient, and I cant stress how much of it you need for this game.

5. Time is golden.

Be prepared to spend a lot of your time on this game, because thats the only way youre going to earn points. Dont expect that you will be able to get 3000+ in five minutes; I took more than twice as long to even get close to that! So, if you have loads of time on your hands, consider playing this game.

6. Runaway mouse

Get a working mouse. Although this may sound ridiculous, but I dont think a faulty one that hardly works will win you a trophy in the game. (I tried playing with a mouse with hard-to-press buttons and got an all-time low.) Clear your desk so that the mouse will have lots of space to move and adjust the mouse control setting to your liking (look for it in your control panel). I changed my pointer speed to the fastest one, but you may adjust it to what you like.

7. The broom is your friend.

What do you do with the time gaps where nothing happens? You can either rest your eyes or use the broom to clean up the mess. It will earn you a petty score of 5 (minus the deduction of points when the petpet mess up that spot once again) but you may do this countless of times and this will earn you quite a number of points!

8. Look out for the numbers.

I look for countdown numbers instead of the petpets themselves. Its hard to differentiate the petpets that need to be picked up from those that are fine, thus just look out for the white numbers. It works for me. J

9. Dont panic!

Quoted from the Hitchhikers Guide, are two words I like most. Dont Panic! You have 5 attempts, so if you miss a pet, youll still have other chances. Go at your own pace. There are rare occurrences where a huge batch of pets is suddenly struck down by fatigue and all of them fall asleep. If you cant cope with the huge numbers, just try to go at your own pace. Youll miss one or two pets at most, its not game over yet!

10. Dont ever drop a petpet.

I realized that whenever I drop the petpet down because my hand hurts too much, I couldnt find it the next second! If you really want to scratch that itch on your back, drop the petpet at the drop-off point first! Its more practical that way. And if you cant find the petpet after you dropped it, either abandon all hopes of saving it or try and locate it by clicking wildly! Lol.


That is all the tips I have to offer, for now. Email me at if you have any questions or feedbacks. Neomails are welcomed too! My username is tanhuitian5.

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