Scam Busting by usaqtpie4u

My alias is usaqtpie4u (pop_princess05 is the scammer), but that’s not the real username. My thoughts are in italics. My email is the right one though. 🙂

usaqtpie4u: hi
Cheerlimited2: Hey!
Cheerlimited2: whats up?
usaqtpie4u: i saw your post on neopets
Cheerlimited2: oohhhh
usaqtpie4u: wats the big secret?

Iike I am stupid enough.

Cheerlimited2: well
Cheerlimited2: k, there is this thing where i can get into the neopets mainframe. i can enter an “interunded sequented data”‘ code and tht will get u access to anyones on neopets bank account. even tho u will have the money too, it doesnt take any away from the person so it is A ok:P i ned this info. user pword do u have a bank account? Now if i give u som 1 else’s bank account it will delete ur old 1 but u will be richer!

What??? that is so lame of a hacker phrase!

usaqtpie4u: what is a bank account?

I wanted to get them all scared that they won’t get anything.

Cheerlimited2: you dont know?
usaqtpie4u: the bank?
usaqtpie4u: like places to store neopoints?
Cheerlimited2: its something on neopets where u can keep money to save it from ghosts
usaqtpie4u: oh yes
usaqtpie4u: i have that
Cheerlimited2: lol

You may laugh now, but beware :<

Cheerlimited2: so what du u say?
usaqtpie4u: well, how does it work?
Cheerlimited2: i explained it up there^

Oh really? thanks for labeling yourself as a scammer!

usaqtpie4u: sequence code?
usaqtpie4u: yea…
usaqtpie4u: explain this
usaqtpie4u: even tho u will have the money too, it doesnt take
any away from the person so it is A ok:P
usaqtpie4u: what’s in it for me?
Cheerlimited2: ok u will have some 1 elses money in the bank but they wont lose any if u spend it:-)
usaqtpie4u: oh really?
usaqtpie4u: cool!!

AS IF!!!

Cheerlimited2: yup i like it to
Cheerlimited2: so what do u say???
usaqtpie4u: um…
usaqtpie4u: i don’t know what to do
usaqtpie4u: with all that money
Cheerlimited2: paintbrushes:-)
Cheerlimited2: thats what i do
Cheerlimited2: u can make ur pets pretty
usaqtpie4u: can i get into some else’s stuff?
Cheerlimited2: no
Cheerlimited2: just the $$
usaqtpie4u: oh
usaqtpie4u: well i don’t like paintbrushes
Cheerlimited2: but u will have about 600,000np
usaqtpie4u: and i don’t think it’s gonna work
Cheerlimited2: it is ive done it 4 lots of people!
usaqtpie4u: hmm…
usaqtpie4u: prove it

Like I care. But oh well.

usaqtpie4u: show me someone’s account
usaqtpie4u: please
usaqtpie4u: and i’ll do it
Cheerlimited2: okkkkk
Cheerlimited2: i did it 4 britneywannabees
Cheerlimited2: thats my best friend

That account is such a lure-in account.

usaqtpie4u: wait please
Cheerlimited2: k
Cheerlimited2: 😎
Cheerlimited2: hehehe
Cheerlimited2: brb
usaqtpie4u: wait!!
usaqtpie4u: i’ve decided to do it
usaqtpie4u: my username is
usaqtpie4u: happydays324
usaqtpie4u: and psw is
usaqtpie4u: You are a scammer!

YES!! success! – usaqtpie4u


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