Scam Busting by usaqtpie4u

My alias is usaqtpie4u (pop_princess05 is the scammer), but that’s not the real username. My thoughts are in italics. My email is the right one though. 🙂

usaqtpie4u: hi
Cheerlimited2: Hey!
Cheerlimited2: whats up?
usaqtpie4u: i saw your post on neopets
Cheerlimited2: oohhhh
usaqtpie4u: wats the big secret?

Iike I am stupid enough.

Cheerlimited2: well
Cheerlimited2: k, there is this thing where i can get into the neopets mainframe. i can enter an “interunded sequented data”‘ code and tht will get u access to anyones on neopets bank account. even tho u will have the money too, it doesnt take any away from the person so it is A ok:P i ned this info. user pword do u have a bank account? Now if i give u som 1 else’s bank account it will delete ur old 1 but u will be richer!