How to Become a Neopets Expert in 10 Minutes by Abukoster


Everyone knows there aren’t any secrets to making neopoints. Apart from that, most guides can probably guarantee you as well as I can on how to make them. Most tell you to play game A or game B, and then you have to check out the Pink Poogle Toy Games section to find out how to play game A or game B. Apart from games, there are a LOT more methods to making neopoints, and all will be mentioned below. Some are tedious, some require gambling and some just take too long – All in all, you’ll still make neopoints fastest with this guide!


Tips to Earn Extra Neopoints by hockeylover260592

So, you’re just starting out on Neopets, or you’re an old-timer and looking for a way to earn some extra neopoints. Here are some simple things that you can do that will help you on your way to ultimate riches. Good luck!!

Tip 1

Save, save, save!! Always put your money into your bank account, and remember to collect your interest every day. Currently, I can collect 86 NP per day of interest. Over a 30 day month that’s 2,580 NP at least! Times that by 12 calendar months, and that’s 30,960 NP. Every bit helps!

Tip 2

Give your neopets a comfortable life, but not extravagant ones! There’s no need to buy that 500 NP toy for them, when a 100 NP key chain will do just fine. They get the same reaction from it, so why wouldn’t you just save the 400 NP? Also, with food, the daily omelette, daily jelly and soup kitchen (only if you’re really poor) do a great job. These are all free, and you get food for your neopet without spending any loot.

Neopets: How Much is Too Much? by Shoyru_Lover

The eternal question no doubt (actually not really, but it makes good conversation!!). How much Neopets is too much and is it really good for you?

I once chatted with a lovely girl called Kaorichan and, after a while, the topic of “How much time do you spend on Neopets” popped up. After careful prodding and prying, Kaorichan mentioned once speaking to a man who told her he spent on average about 13 hours a day on it. The response, “Hello! Wake up, have a shave and brush your teeth!” seemed to be on both our minds.

While the example above is an example of someone who clearly spends too much time on Neopets to the point where it is unhealthy, I’ve witnessed some people who are absolute fanatics about the game to the point that it scares me, even more than Cruella Devil on 101 Dalmatians (she did a real good job of terrifying me).

Meerca Chase 2 Guide by Koyell

Meerca Chase 2 is a great game to play! It’s easy, and you can get lots of neopoints.

First of all, in order to earn lots of neopoints (without gravity mode on) you should set the difficulty to hard and quality to low (just for a bit of a speed boost so you can earn points more quickly).

Meerca Chase 2 is very simple to learn and is just like the classic game Snake. Do not hit the red neggs, they’ll make you lose. There are lots of different types of neggs which give you different amounts of points. Each difficulty level raises the amount of points each negg is worth.

How to Earn Neopoints Through Games and Dailies by pep_o_mintcandy

Do neopoints just float in your dreams? Do you want to win more? Not very good at games? Is selling stuff just not cutting it anymore? Then why not a guide for more neopoint. Now that’s a great idea. I will not tell you how to play each game, preferably because my article would waste space considering the game guides all have pretty clear directions, but if you need help clarifying the directions, neomail pep_o_mintcandy.

Action and Puzzles

  • Faerie Bubbles: A Simple Game. Send score if: Score: 300np * 3 times = 900np.
  • Meerca Chase II: All you have to do is make your Meerca try and catch all the neggs EXCEPT the RED ones. Send score if: Score: 200np * 3 times = 600np.
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