Tag: meerca chase 2

  • Meerca Chase 2 Guide by Pattywoopwoop

    Meerca Chase 2 is a game built for aggressive neopoint earners. It is a basic game which has many cheats, but two of them are difficult to complete.

    The first cheat which doesn’t really help is when you click on the Meerca’s right eye, it shows Adam holding two fish neggs. By doing this, people reckon that it improves your chance of receiving good neggs.

    The second cheat is called “ Ferocious Neggs ”. It is done by typing “ ferociousneggsareontheloose ” on the main page. It simply starts a game that is set to slow, but when a red negg appears, it moves.

  • Meerca Chase 2 Guide by Koyell

    Meerca Chase 2 is a great game to play! It’s easy, and you can get lots of neopoints.

    First of all, in order to earn lots of neopoints (without gravity mode on) you should set the difficulty to hard and quality to low (just for a bit of a speed boost so you can earn points more quickly).

    Meerca Chase 2 is very simple to learn and is just like the classic game Snake. Do not hit the red neggs, they’ll make you lose. There are lots of different types of neggs which give you different amounts of points. Each difficulty level raises the amount of points each negg is worth.