Tag: shop

  • Shop Pricing: The Most Boring Process in Neopia and What Neopets Can do to Help by Xandria Woolseyia

    Today I saw that I had a lot of items in my shop… good, right? No. All of these items were set at 99,999 neopoints, and I wanted to make money, not just show off my items, seeing as they were the most random things in the world. So what do I decide to do? Go through the tedious process of pricing my items.

    I get in a good rhythm; copy an item name and paste it into Microsoft Word. Copy the next item name, paste it. And so on and so forth until I have my first thirty items in Microsoft Word and can now look up their prices. Now I have to copy the names of all these same items again and paste them into the Shop Wizard search box. After refreshing many times, I find the actual lowest price and decide to put my item a few neopoints below that one. Looking at the clock, I realize all of this has taken me eight minutes, and what do I have to show but the price of one item?

  • Tips to Earn Extra Neopoints by hockeylover260592

    So, you’re just starting out on Neopets, or you’re an old-timer and looking for a way to earn some extra neopoints. Here are some simple things that you can do that will help you on your way to ultimate riches. Good luck!!

    Tip 1

    Save, save, save!! Always put your money into your bank account, and remember to collect your interest every day. Currently, I can collect 86 NP per day of interest. Over a 30 day month that’s 2,580 NP at least! Times that by 12 calendar months, and that’s 30,960 NP. Every bit helps!

    Tip 2

    Give your neopets a comfortable life, but not extravagant ones! There’s no need to buy that 500 NP toy for them, when a 100 NP key chain will do just fine. They get the same reaction from it, so why wouldn’t you just save the 400 NP? Also, with food, the daily omelette, daily jelly and soup kitchen (only if you’re really poor) do a great job. These are all free, and you get food for your neopet without spending any loot.

  • Dark Korbat Shop Layout

    Dark Korbat Shop Layout
    Pretty up your Neopets shop using our pre-made shop layouts. All you need to do is click on the link below and copy + paste it into your edit screen.

    Dark Korbat Shop Layout

  • Water Faerie Shop Layout

    Water Faerie Shop Layout
    Pretty up your Neopets shop using our pre-made shop layouts. All you need to do is click on the link below and copy + paste it into your edit screen.

    Water Faerie Shop Layout