Tag: dailies

  • How to Become a Neopets Expert in 10 Minutes by Abukoster


    Everyone knows there aren’t any secrets to making neopoints. Apart from that, most guides can probably guarantee you as well as I can on how to make them. Most tell you to play game A or game B, and then you have to check out the Pink Poogle Toy Games section to find out how to play game A or game B. Apart from games, there are a LOT more methods to making neopoints, and all will be mentioned below. Some are tedious, some require gambling and some just take too long – All in all, you’ll still make neopoints fastest with this guide!


  • How to Earn Neopoints Through Games and Dailies by pep_o_mintcandy

    Do neopoints just float in your dreams? Do you want to win more? Not very good at games? Is selling stuff just not cutting it anymore? Then why not a guide for more neopoint. Now that’s a great idea. I will not tell you how to play each game, preferably because my article would waste space considering the game guides all have pretty clear directions, but if you need help clarifying the directions, neomail pep_o_mintcandy.

    Action and Puzzles

    • Faerie Bubbles: A Simple Game. Send score if: Score: 300np * 3 times = 900np.
    • Meerca Chase II: All you have to do is make your Meerca try and catch all the neggs EXCEPT the RED ones. Send score if: Score: 200np * 3 times = 600np.
    • (more…)

  • Playing the Right Game Matters by Wade Phillips

    Playing the right game matters. Its taken me a long time to find the right games for maximum neopoints in the shortest time. I had to go through many different guides and try many different games before I managed to get my full list. I decided a while ago that I was sick of having only two of three games to play because it seriously limited my ability to make enough neopoints to save up for anything I wanted. So I started with a list of four games and started going through as many games as I could, using suggestions from other guides and advice from my friends on what games were worth playing. As I went through I was amazed at how many games people were playing that were, in my opinion, useless. Most of them either gave to few neopoints or took way too much time and effort to play. Occasionally though, I found gems among the junk and I decided to share those games with you so that you dont have to go through all of the work that I did. So, without further ado, here are the fruits of my research…

  • Dailies by Ella Harman

    Tombola: The prizes are usually junk, except for bottled faeries and codestones. You can do this once everyday. The winning is totally random. This game is free.

    Fruit Machine: The prizes for this vary. You can get anything from 50 NP to 15,000 NP. You can even win paintbrushes. You can also win nothing at all! This game has random winning. You can play once a day. This game is free.

    Coltzan’s Shrine: This shrine can give you level ups, NPs, food, defence, attack, speed, etc. It depends on timing, really. You can play this once a day. It is free. The times are: