Sutek’s Tomb Tips

Blast the entire game and gain a bonus 500 points

Occasionally during Sutek’s Tomb, you’ll have a character face appear – usually a blonde male cartoon face. If you can manipulate it to the bottom row, it blasts the entire gameboard and gives you five hundred game points. The combo is called “Magic Face” or “Magic Head”. – omnipredation

Plushie Tycoon Tips

Always Accessorize Plushies

Always accessorize plushies. It should also be noted that the colour red does not mean that they sell faster or they are better. Try different colours on the same plushie to find the one that sales out really fast as there are a few that sell really, really fast. Good luck in the hunt.

Editor’s Note: All the Plushie Tycoon tips below this note are to be considered outdated and no longer applicable to the new changes in Plushie Tycoon. – noneya_7_7

Simple is Better

Buy all necessary supplies and place ONE order at a time. If you buy too much at once, you may not be able to collect all the different types of materials you need (i.e. cloth, packaging, accessories, etc.) and you will be stuck. You will not be allowed to buy any more supplies, and yet you will not be allowed to place an order in the factory until all the necessary items are bought. Also, there’s no real need to waste money on rent for a shop until you have at least one order of plushies ready to go, which could take a few days. Save yourself the expenses! – Erica aka Felicity1085

Cellblock Tips

100,000 neopoints in one day

– Step one: Open this link in one window:
– Step two: Open Cellblock in another window.
– Then, always head for the ‘Diagonal Win’. If your opponent blocked that, you can always do the above one.
– At tournament 11 and above, you start with zero pieces on the board, and some stones spread.
– Then, search for some open space and then try to make 5, then if he blocks it try to make another diagonal, usually that’ll work. – by rapasitas

Pterattack 2 Tips

Best gun to use

I found that while playing Pterattack2, the best gun to continually upgrade is the Fire ball (the red one).

They are a lot less common than the other guns, so I suggest that you either upgrade the basic blue gun once, to wipe out Pteradons that are in your path much more efficiently to therefore increasing your chances to acquire the Fireball as you will stay in the game longer.

Another upgrade that will allow you to wipe out your opponents quickly enough to receive upgrades to the Fireball is the Pterboom: It’s a purple spinning powerup. Like the Tadow in the old game. It’s a boomerang that, rather than coming back, weaves across the screen so you won’t need to be directly underneath the Pteradons (of any level) to shoot them.