Best gun to use
I found that while playing Pterattack2, the best gun to continually upgrade is the Fire ball (the red one).
They are a lot less common than the other guns, so I suggest that you either upgrade the basic blue gun once, to wipe out Pteradons that are in your path much more efficiently to therefore increasing your chances to acquire the Fireball as you will stay in the game longer.
Another upgrade that will allow you to wipe out your opponents quickly enough to receive upgrades to the Fireball is the Pterboom: It’s a purple spinning powerup. Like the Tadow in the old game. It’s a boomerang that, rather than coming back, weaves across the screen so you won’t need to be directly underneath the Pteradons (of any level) to shoot them.
Once you upgrade the Fireball to level four, it sends out a kind of shock wave that spreads out while it travels so you have a better chance at killing anything in your way and earning you points.
I also suggest that when you acquire all of the upgrades of the Fireball, hold the fire button down without letting up.
If you do that, you have a better chance at saving one of your lives which are important and vital to reach the 1,000 point limit and beyond.
If you stay in one position throughout the remainder of your game, with the exception of some required dodging, you will also be able to clear out opponents before they are in full view of the screen, making it easier for you to develop a range of fire to the Pteradons that are in your path. Be aware that a good distance from the bottom of the screen is vital as well, because no one wants to be attacked by the Grarrls and at least a good distance will give you a fair warning of their arrival.
Once you get passed 1,000 points in game play, you will be given 1,000 when you send the score.
Repeat the process 2 more times and you have yourself an easy 3,000 neopoints.
If anyone needs any other guidance or clarification I didn’t provide here for this game, you can reach me on Neopets as unmerciful_disaster. I hope it helps!! – unmerciful_disaster
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