Plushie Tycoon Tips

Always Accessorize Plushies

Always accessorize plushies. It should also be noted that the colour red does not mean that they sell faster or they are better. Try different colours on the same plushie to find the one that sales out really fast as there are a few that sell really, really fast. Good luck in the hunt.

Editor’s Note: All the Plushie Tycoon tips below this note are to be considered outdated and no longer applicable to the new changes in Plushie Tycoon. – noneya_7_7

Simple is Better

Buy all necessary supplies and place ONE order at a time. If you buy too much at once, you may not be able to collect all the different types of materials you need (i.e. cloth, packaging, accessories, etc.) and you will be stuck. You will not be allowed to buy any more supplies, and yet you will not be allowed to place an order in the factory until all the necessary items are bought. Also, there’s no real need to waste money on rent for a shop until you have at least one order of plushies ready to go, which could take a few days. Save yourself the expenses! – Erica aka Felicity1085

Little Plan

First thing is try to get things get from the 50,000 a budget for everything doesn’t work going to bankrupt don’t worry if you do you can try again by restarting the game. Second, if you just started you should build your plushies with the lowest quality as they will save you money. Acara plushies are real good because you don’t need accessories. Get 25 employees for each section except managers. They’ll work fast but not to fast and they only cost less then 900 neopoints even for commercial advertising use one that most people like, for example, chocolate t-shirts. If you want to get one on the Neopian times, do the first one. It’s cheaper if you do all of these you’ll get1000 plushies ready to be made. Fast working employees, good advertisement and 20k MINIMUM in two or tree days. You’ll have enough money to improve your plushies’ quality and quantity I hope this helps. – Janam Jhaveri

Another Little Plan


  • You should have 30 journeymen and 1 manager (400 neopoints per hour at this rate).
  • You should have at least 3 jobs running (you might have to upgrade).
  • If things are not going well then fire about 134 neopoints worth of employees.
  • Remember managers don’t do any work and there 40 neopoints per hour so make good decisions.


  • For flyers the best pick is calendars (240 neopoints) hey you’ll get rich off the plushies so its ok
  • Gifts, tote bags are ideal (270 neopoints)
  • Candy, Lollypops (134 neopoints)
  • Clothing is now getting really expensive go to level two sunglasses (468 neopoints)
  • Over here you use lots of neopoints I suggest you get the pens (700 neopoints)
  • Now you become the big spender if you have a lot of neopoints on hand I suggest you get the colour 1/4 add with the rest if you don’t have much jus get the Neopian times add and nothing else unless you can afford it. P.S. this really reels in the customers (7,464 neopoints).

Remember follow you’re mind these are just suggestions. – azn_dragon522

264 Shoyru Plushies in a Day

20 graduates 20 trainees and 20 journey men will produce 264 Shoyru plushies in one day. – Gracie Chen

Mini Guide

OK, I have yet to find a point to this addictive game, but I have found a very good strategy that has worked very well for me. Yes, you have to pay rent for a factory, warehouse, and store t be able to sell items even though you can’t quite yet in the “demo” version of the game. Now let’s start with the basics, you need cloth, stuffing and packing for all pets, yet you will need accessories for some pets. You also need to learn to be a sensible spender, that means that you should not always buy the most expensive stuff and to be mindful of the amount of neopoints you have so that you don’t spend all of your neopoints at one time. Now that you have learned the basics, I’ll give you some tips on the staff.

Recommended Number of Staff

  • Dropouts – 6
  • Graduates – 6
  • Trainees – 6
  • Journeymen – 5
  • Managers – 4 – Ben

Mini Guide

Well, I don’t really have a lot to say about this game. It’s pretty straight forward. I have noticed a few things, however, that might be valuable to someone near bankruptcy (or just starting out the game).

At first, start out using the cheapest cloth. Do not spare yourself when it comes to the other things though! (Except for the jewels…you can but plastic, if need be) I have discovered that if you keep you store looking a little bit cheaper (Carpet, Lighting, etc.) then you should stock plushies of a cheaper quality. They seem to sell better.

When you are starting jobs, make only one hundred or two hundred plushies per (single) job. If you go to a thousand plushies per job, and you run into a financially embarrassing situation, then there is no turning back. If you do it at one or two hundred plushies per job, you can get the plushies to the store shelves quicker (then fire your staff, so you can save your money). Also, I have discovered that you can work almost as efficiently with 10 graduates and 10 journeymen, as if you had 20 journeymen. – marsms

Mini Guide

When starting out, it is important to open your factory, warehouse and store before anything else. Afterwards, you should purchase raws goods. My best opinion is to start out with blue cloth, neocotton, moulded accessories and velvet bags for packing. You should start with an Aisha, and buy a quantity of 1 for each item. Before you start a job, hire 10 high school drop-outs, after you hire them, start the job. If you ever need more supplies, buy what you need. Sometimes you need more cloth, sometimes you only need 100 sq feet.

After you are finished making 100 plushies, they will be loaded into your warehouse. It usually takes 1-3 hours or even a whole day, so its a good idea to start on a second batch of plushies. You should try a different species, so your shop has a wider range. Also as your waiting for the plushies to be loaded, head to your shop. You should upgrade all of your store’s carpets, shelves, etc, up one level. Your advertisements are very important, you should either upgrade each one all the way or up half way.

If you want more plushies to be made at a faster pace, you should hire some trainees, and a few more drop-outs. If you are losing neopoints fast, you should fire a number of workers, but NOT the manager! You need him, he is very important, although he doesn’t make plushies. Without him, you would have high school dropouts and workers walking around doing nothing. For every ten dropouts you have, you should have one manager. Hiring 3 Journeymen is very accurate also, they go around advertising your shop and makes your shop a hotspot for plushie lovers everywhere!! – wyermaster

Mini Guide

So you want to be the King/Queen of plushies? Follow my guide and maybe it’ll happen!

First off you don’t want to go out and spend all your money! Spend all your money or don’t have enough to pay your workers or rent your broke big spender! And your Plushie Tycoon will be restarted. Now to get to the main part of a successful plushie selling career.

Open yourself a shop and get it to about size 2. Don’t get advertisement till you need it. Go ahead and upgrade your shop, get yourself some lighting and carpet instead of those nasty dirt floors. I suggest you go ahead and get the best of everything, but the shelves (won’t stone work as good as jelly or transparent?). Get stone shelves until your rollin’ in the dough.

Now you need a warehouse ship your plushies to your shop. Rent a warehouse and be done with it. Click on the Factory link and rent one. Now click on personnel and hire some workers to run your factory! Here’s a list of what you should get to have you started. 0 Dropouts, 25 Graduates,60-70 Trainees, 45 Journeymen, 3 Managers. They can get you a full job of 100 plushies done in a hour or two.

Click on Buy Raw Materials. Some days the market is good for buying, like the cloth is cheaper. Some days its not. Buy all the materials needed for making 100 plushies, DO NOT BUY MORE THAN YOU NEED. Buy 1 red, green ,blue or yellow cloth. Get NeoCotton period. If you want rare gems get it. But it can be pricey. like I said it could be cheaper on some days. The next best thing to gems is plastic. Pick the species you want, I like making Green Krawks. Now you need something to sell these in. I get velvet bags, I suggest them. If you want other go ahead and get it. Now just get 1 of all these!

Go to the start a job in factory. It will ask what species. Choose the one you bought of rare gems/plastic. Select from the drop down list all the materials you bought. Now click the button! Drop down the list and select 100 and start the job. The workers only work from 9 AM Neopian time to 5 PM Neopian time. Your shop is open these times too. Do about 2 – 3, 100 plushie jobs a day till you feel comfortable of your workers and shop. You’ll see how many they make a hour when the list is updated. When a job is done it’ll go to your warehouse and be loading. This can take a while possibly till the end of the day. When all your jobs are loaded click the box next to them and click ship to store! They automatically get priced.

Well good luck on becoming a Plushie King or Queen! – siriuzblack

Many Tips You Need to Know

First you need to buy raw goods. Take note that the price for the raw goods raise and fall. The best way to start the game is to buy first before you start making the plushie. Buy the raw goods at a low price (you might need a few day to do that). note: Do not spent too much money on buying the raw goods.

When you are done buying the raw goods, it time to start a factory. Just a one size factory will do since you do not need a big factory to start the game. As for the type of worker to hire, huh, after many attempts, I still do not know the difference, so I think hiring all of them seem to be a good deal.

However, do not hire a manager since you have already have one in your factory. Maybe you need to hire more managers when you have more workers, but right now you need only one.

Then start a new job.

Next is to start your warehouse.

Then the store.

Try not to spent too much money making your shop look nice. It a waste of money at the start of the game. You can try some cheap advertisements though. They help your sales so as you go along the game, upgrade your Advertisements and also you shop should you have spare money.

At the start of the game try to leave 10000neopoints for the wages and the rental fee for the store and factory.

This is just a basic to let you know how to play the game. More tips on the game will follow once I know how the game works. – lance

Grundo’s Good

When you start a new job always only make 100. If you wanted to make more then you could start another job of 100 thats exactly the same. It’s just that plushies can’t be put into the warehouse or store until the whole job is done, so its gets them out to the store faster if there are fewer. Another little tip is that a good species to start with are Grundos. They need no accessories and only 100 sq. feet of cloth so they’re the cheapest to make, plus they only need 3 work units, but I’m not sure if that actually affects how long it takes. – flutteringfaerie

Factory Trick

OK. First I’ll tell you what was I doing. I just wanted to make everything quick, but then until now I didn’t realize this trick have an effect and help me save money.

Expansion of factories are not so cheap, especially if you are first playing and you need to pay the rent if you only have few neopoints on your accounting. If you really want to save money, buy plushies that only need 100sq of cloths and no accessories. For more information, read on Pink Poogle Toy’s plushie tycoon tips of specie specs. (Also thank you to poster of the specie specs. I relied on the accessories that I didn’t realize of species that don’t need accessories.)

The Factory Trick

  1. Buy materials as needed.
  2. Open your factory.
  3. Do shift-click on the Start New Job a few times until you chose how many plushies you want to make.
  4. In each window, you should choose the plushies, as if you’re doing them one by one, but this time you are doing them together.
  5. Choose the materials and click submit job altogether. After each one comes with a new window, click submit job.

The factory will not need to be expanded except for several things: If you are still making plushies, e.g. 7 of them, and your factory size is 2, you can’t make another until the plushies are made below the maximum the factory can take until the size of the factory. It might be that the maximum for the plushies a size of factory can make is Max=2xSize, but not the store. There might be a set left in your materials. Don’t worry, it is another continued bug of this, while if you check existing jobs, there are already the number of jobs that you demanded, so you get 1 free! But, the problem is if you made several specie/colours/packs/stuffings, you might not know which are free. For example I made 8 sets of Shoyru and I got the fifth set again.

I’m not sure why I kept doing this, but soon I’ll pay anyway because right now I am doing 6 jobs at once and I kept doing 16 at once.. 🙂 <Cost many windows!> So I might need to expand.

I am still trying to find out what the time got to do with the prices, as once I bought rare gems at 587 neopoints and 624 neopoints while the other times I saw on 1,818 neopoints and 1,924 neopoints. I wouldn’t buy thrice the price if I know that it can be cheaper. – Ice Photon

Dropouts Are Good!

Since many people say that dropouts are nonsense, this proves them wrong.

Dropouts: 100, 0
Graduates: 75, 100
Trainees: 50, 75
Journeymen: 5, 50
Manager: 1, 5

Cost per hour: 1,600, 2,000
Shoyru done: 266, 228 – INN vdvsd

Creation the Smart Way

When you start the factory and buy stuff to make plushie always try to make 100 at a time instead of 200 or 300 cause that takes time and never pay for the rent before you need it like if you’ve finished making 100 plushies than pay the rent for the warehouse then when it’s loaded pay the rent for your shop than ship it. It saves you a lot of neopoints! – mad_mouse58


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