Tips to Earn Extra Neopoints by hockeylover260592

So, you’re just starting out on Neopets, or you’re an old-timer and looking for a way to earn some extra neopoints. Here are some simple things that you can do that will help you on your way to ultimate riches. Good luck!!

Tip 1

Save, save, save!! Always put your money into your bank account, and remember to collect your interest every day. Currently, I can collect 86 NP per day of interest. Over a 30 day month that’s 2,580 NP at least! Times that by 12 calendar months, and that’s 30,960 NP. Every bit helps!

Tip 2

Give your neopets a comfortable life, but not extravagant ones! There’s no need to buy that 500 NP toy for them, when a 100 NP key chain will do just fine. They get the same reaction from it, so why wouldn’t you just save the 400 NP? Also, with food, the daily omelette, daily jelly and soup kitchen (only if you’re really poor) do a great job. These are all free, and you get food for your neopet without spending any loot.

How to Fool the Soup Faerie by bigboyohler

OK, everyone should already know that if you have less than 2,000 np you can feed your pets for free at the Soup Kitchen located at The Neopian Marketplace. I found a way to trick the Soup Faerie so you can get free food no matter how many np you have. You must have two accounts (or a neo friend who you reallllllly trust).
Step 1 – In a different account put something up for trade at the Trading Post.
Step 2 – Go to the account with the hungry Neopets. Make sure to collect your interest on the money you have in your bank account, then withdrawl it all.

Running a Guild Guide by Nae

This article I wrote almost one year ago, but the information is still relevant. At the time I was the owner of Free Stuff 4 The Poor Guild, the largest Soup Kitchen guild there was but then it vanished overnight. Hopefully this article will help those guild master wannabes out there!

The Guild Headquarters is an exciting and busy area to work in! I, myself, run a large guild located in the Soup Kitchen. We are at the top of the list, and receive many extra members each day. There is always the hustling and bustling of members chatting and helping each other, and the scamper of council members doing their daily guild routines.

Neopoints – The Price of Love by star_bloom

SOUP KITCHEN- A few days ago, I was at the bank, looking at my happy 700,000 neopoints, thinking of my high-statted robot peophin, and my paint brush gallery. This, I thought, is the life. But then it hit me. Yeah, it was the life for me, but not for my pets! I realized then that being a neopian was so unfun now that I had everything I desired, and a trophy pet I had never cared about. The game was no longer Neo-Pets for me, it was Neo-Points. This completely terrified me, so I made a resolution- I would go out and enjoy Neopets, even if it killed me.