Tag: article

  • Running a Guild Guide by Nae

    This article I wrote almost one year ago, but the information is still relevant. At the time I was the owner of Free Stuff 4 The Poor Guild, the largest Soup Kitchen guild there was but then it vanished overnight. Hopefully this article will help those guild master wannabes out there!

    The Guild Headquarters is an exciting and busy area to work in! I, myself, run a large guild located in the Soup Kitchen. We are at the top of the list, and receive many extra members each day. There is always the hustling and bustling of members chatting and helping each other, and the scamper of council members doing their daily guild routines.

    Just because our guild now runs very smoothly, with only a few ripples every now and then, doesn’t mean it always has been. We haven’t always been this successful and we haven’t always been this busy. We’ve started off like all guilds, with one member. A question I am constantly asked is “How did you get your guild so big?”. I hope I could perhaps answer that question for you here, and give you an idea of how to make your guild bigger and better.

    My number one rule is be true to what you offer. If you offer a free item for joining, actually GIVE that item to the people who join. You will not gain any more members by lying to them. You will only gain a bad reputation and you won’t feel too hot about cheating, will you?

  • Neopets Editorial and Opinion

    This section contains opinion pieces and Neopets-related columns written by anyone and everyone. If you have an opinion and want to see your article here, email Kym at kym@pinkpt.com and we’ll add it up.

    Rants & Raves
    Neopets Columns
    Kym’s Articles (Column)

  • Neopets Scams by georgiaroxhorseland

    I know that a lot of you out there have been subject to many types of scams. Some are easy to spot, whilst others not so. In this article, I will be explaining some of the ways you can be scammed and how to avoid them, also recognizing common scams, and the things to look for in not-so-common ones.

    First of all, HOW TO RECOGNIZE A SCAM:

    Many scams are distinguishable because of what people will ask you to do, or telling you impossible things. Scams occur in many different forms, as I will explain later. Important note: Any non-Neopets site asking for your username & password is a SCAM! Also, players who ask you for your username & password are SCAMMERS! If you report these people to Neopets Staff, they will freeze that person.

  • PetPet Picking Frequently Asked Questions by SweetOwlett

    Ever since my article on picking a PetPet, I have received many questions on this subject. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions, answered!

    How do you know when you’ve picked the “right” PetPet, does something special happen?
    There is no “right” PetPet for every NeoPet. But sometimes you may buy a PetPet and your NeoPet doesn’t like it, that’s what my article is for: to try to avoid picking the “wrong” PetPet.

    My NeoPet doesn’t fit into any of the categories you said, what do I do?
    Make some more categories! Go wild, the four I suggested were just a basic idea.

  • Defending Neopets: A Counter Argument Against the Article in Australia

    There was a completely slanderous and false article released about Neopets in Australia, and also on the news. The reporters did not even check out the site, since they would clearly see that what they were about to write was in error. Another article from Pink Poog Toy points out the errors in the article.

    The number of javascript scripts targeting Internet Explorer, several people who are unable to switch browsers have turned off javascript. You cannot access any items (so you can’t feed or play with your pet via items). Only a few games are inaccessible. Those who have disabled javascript should look into visiting the Soup Kitchen, which lets users feed their pets for free if they have under 3,000 Neopoints. Not that it really matters if you can buy items in the main shops, since getting anything of profit is insanely hard. Good item stocking shops can have over 65 people in them trying to buy items at any time, even with the random restocks.