Don’t Be Scammed! by Allyson Marie

Scammers – a Neopian’s ememy. They are everywhere, and when you least expect them to be there – they are.

Scammers have one job in mind, to take your account, to mess you up, to make you upset. Do not let them do this to you.

You decide to go to the neoboards, and you see a board titled “Quitting Neopets” or something of that sort. As you wonder about the board and enter it, you see that it says something like, “Quitting Neopets! I have painted pets, paintbrushes, and 1,000,000 neopoints! Tell me if you want it!” Once you see this, click the link that says report this board. This is a scammer. If you go for it, they will ask for your password to ‘check out’ your account to see if you are ‘suitable for such an account’. Then, like what once happened to me, your account is out of your hands and into the scammers.