Go! Go! Go! Guide by nyla77

Background: This is a simple game (if you use your thinking cap). It will be easy for you if you have played other card games like Cheat or even Pyramids. Keep in mind that you need to try A LOT to win.

Objective: Your aim is to get rid of all your cards (in hand, face ups, and face downs) before all three opponents to advance to the next level. This is where you need to use your own game plan to get ahead.

What happens in the game? When you start playing Go! Go! Go! It will automatically be your turn. You place a card on the existing pile (up to four cards of the same type depending on how many cards you have) and the game continues. If a player does not have a card of equal or higher value then the cards have to be picked up by that player. Below are a few hints and tips to help you win:

Food Club Guide by Einstein_006

This question has plagued me since I discovered the great game of Food Club. As many neopets users recommend “buying low and selling high” or “playing the games you like or are good at”, other strategies are just tossed aside like garbage. However, these tactics are HARD. Games are hard!!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m horrible at all the games. Occasionally I get lucky and nail a 1000 on Chia Bomber, but this happens about…. once every 3 months.
Buying low and selling high? Difficult. To find the best deals, you have to search the official neopian shops (not using the shop wizard). However, with 43.2 million Neopian users, you can bet that a few thousand are going to be waiting in every shop. Your odds? Very, very small.

Cooty Wars Guide by methodxairxmike

Cooty Wars is a new game and is a spin-off of the old game Mootix Drop. Here, you play a Cooty trying to destroy as many Mootix as you can by shooting them with your crossbow. It is a lot like the games Evil Fuzzles From Beyond the Stars and Carnival of Terror. It may take a little while to get used to but it is a very rewarding game.

Controls: The controls in this game are very simple. You move the mouse to move the crosshairs on screen. Left click to fire. You can move the hot air balloon a bit by pointing the crosshair all the way left or right. You would usually do this to reach a Mootix that is a bit out of reach.

Nimmo’s Pond Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Personally, I haven’t played this game much but from what I’ve gathered, its a pretty cool game 🙂 From my experience, as like many games, there is also a knack to playing this game. And henceforth, in this guide, I shall explore them with you and on the way, converse on the finer points of English.

First point, never stray from the middle unless unnecessary. This is because if you do, you will gradually lose control of your lily pad until eventually, you will ram into other lily pads and lose health. If you look on the diagram below, you will also notice a blue bar that says paddle power. Every time you move, your paddle power will decrease and if it depletes itself, its over rover.

Invaders of Meridell Guide by bladefist8


Moehog- Great, with good defense without a helmet and unfortunately very, VERY low attack power. Its best quality is it’s 3-space move capability, which can be an excellent quality if you take my meaning, as it can attack up to three times or rush in to save that village, however it handicaps your other soldiers if used frivolously. I use a Moehog as a staller, as after he slaps on a helmet, he can rarely be hit.

Techo- Hmm… Half-decent I guess… stats are okay, can use Broadsword well, then Shield excellently in the very late game, but if you want a defender, I suggest Moehog. Kind of the average unit to compare others to, but I don’t like it.