This question has plagued me since I discovered the great game of Food Club. As many neopets users recommend “buying low and selling high” or “playing the games you like or are good at”, other strategies are just tossed aside like garbage. However, these tactics are HARD. Games are hard!!! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m horrible at all the games. Occasionally I get lucky and nail a 1000 on Chia Bomber, but this happens about…. once every 3 months.
Buying low and selling high? Difficult. To find the best deals, you have to search the official neopian shops (not using the shop wizard). However, with 43.2 million Neopian users, you can bet that a few thousand are going to be waiting in every shop. Your odds? Very, very small.
This is why I wrote this guide. It’s helpful hints for the game of food club. In food club, the first step is finding your brain and using it efficiently. Your brain is very easy to find; it’s always in your head. So you already have your supplies! Step 1 is done. Wait, that’s your only step! On with the guide…..
With Food Club, you first have to do some mathematical calculations. You can bet on 5 different arenas. For each arena, you should pick on pirate whom you think is going to win. So, if you only bet on one arena at a time it would only be 5 bets. If you were betting only on pairs, however, you would have 10 combinations, not including the single bets. Throw in 3 arena bets, the amount of combinations would increase.
Now, if you were ABSOLUTELY sure that 3-4 of the pirates you picked were going to win, it would be easy to make about 10, 000 NP. You could bet on each arena as a single, double, triple, or even quadruple combination. The amount of combinations (okay, my mathematical skills aren’t that awesome; hey, you can’t blame an 11 year old) would be huge, resulting in a massive profit for you. This is, because if you bet on 4 arenas in one single bet, and each pirate had the odds of 2:1, then the total odds would be 16:1. If you bet 100 NP, then you would gain 1600 NP if all of the pirates you bet on won. If you bet on 5 pirates with the odds of 2:1, your odds would be 32:1, thus resulting in a 3200 NP income, if you bet 100 NP.
Continue at this rate with all the combinations, and 10, 000 will seem like a few pennies of profit once you collect your winnings. However, I forgot to mention one little detail… you have to know who to bet on! I’m not going to give some boring graph with the pirates and their allergies, and the foods and what they contain, because you can figure those for yourself. However, I am going to explain how odds can effect your winnings and how you bet, or how you don’t bet.
Here’s an example:
Pirates (made-up): Captain Cook, Admiral Blackbeard, Skipper Atlantis, and Sir Einstein_006 (hehe)
Captain Cook: His favorites are salty meats, and he is allergic to neggs and slushies. Odds: 13: 1
Admiral Blackbeard: His favorites are neggs, and he is allergic to pizzas. Odds: 9: 1
Skipper Atlantis: Her favorites are pizzas, and she is allergic to gross foods. Odds: 2:1
Sir Einstein_006: His favorites are spicy foods, and he is allergic to vegetables. Odds: 4:1
Foods (sandwich and cantalope not in neopets world): Rainbow Negg, Fungi Pizza, Sandwich, Hot Burnumup, Cantalope
Rainbow Negg: Contains neggs.
Fungi Pizza: Contains gross foods and pizzas.
Sandwich: Contains breads, meats, vegetables, and gross foods.
Hot Burnumup: Contains spicy foods.
Cantalope: Contains fruits.
Whoa! That took some time ;). Okay, I made this easy for you newbies. First make a prediction based completely off the odds of who has the best chances of winning and rank them 1-4, 1 being the best. Skipper is first, right? And Einstein is second? That’s how it should’ve worked.
Let’s consider the pirate with the best odds first, and then move to the next best, and so on. Skipper Atlantis has the favorite of pizzas, which shows up once in the foods. Good? For now. However, she is allergic to vegetables. 2 meals have those on them, thus ruining Skipper Atlantis’ chances of winning. Not even her odds can make up for her allergies. Skipper is out.
Now we consider Einstein. He is allergic to one of the foods in the list, but his favorite is also in there. We’ll have to skip him because we have to consider the other pirates. If the favorites and the allergies list cancel each other out, then that pirate should be compared with the others.
Admiral Blackbeard is next. He has the same exact problem as Einstein; his favorites and allergies cancel each other out. To compare Einstein and Blackbeard, look at their odds. Einstein has the better odds, so Blackbeard is out.
Captain Cook is just HORRIBLE. His odds are the worst of the lot. He is allergic to one of the foods on the list, and his favorite doesn’t even show up! I’m afraid the Captain is out faster than the blink of an eye.
The only remaining pirate is Einstein! Bet as much as possible (for most it’s 100-400, but some veterans might have bet possibilities as high as 750), and watch the winnings come in.
If you get good at this, it will only take as long as a minute to determine the best pirate. Figure out the best pirate for only 3 arenas 4 arenas, and the winnings will flow in like water breaking through a dam. People who can only bet in the 100’s are better off, because if they lose, they lose at most 1000-1500, if they bet like crazy. If you bet 700 on each of the combinations and lose it all, you lose much more than a few 100 NP.
Okay, back to the math. If you bet on 5 arenas in one bet, and each pirate had the odds of 3:1 (which is very possible), then the odds would be 3 to the power of 5:1. What is that you say? It’s 243:1! That’s amazing. If all of your pirates won, and you bet 200 NP, you would earn 50, 000 NP, whilst only spending 200 NP (make sure you bet on all the arenas in one single bet)!!! Has your shop ever done that? Doubtful, unless you overprice people and they buy it thinking that it’s cheap because you are selling in bulk.
In conclusion, Food Club is not going to make you a millionaire in one day. It is, however, going to get you the money for the rainbow paint brush I’ve been wanting for so long (I mean the rainbow paint brush that YOU’VE been wanting for so long, hehe).
My username on Neopets is Einstein_006. Send me a neomail! I love getting mail! If this guide helps you, and you’re feeling generous (this is totally and completely optional), send a few bottles of sand my way! I collect them ;). I hope that this guide helps you make tons of NP through Food Club! Cya! – Einstein_006
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