Nimmo’s Pond Strategy by qazwaseddy2

The main trick here, is to not move! Put your index and middle fingers on your left and right keys… nothing else (but remember the bomb button is “b” and the tongue is “v”) and you don’t want to turn TOO much- it’ll wear down your paddling, occasionally stop when you’re not busy to let it fill back up.

All weapons are good, especially the green “rapid fire” and the yellow “spread”. It may sound annoying- but no moving once again! even the slightest tap with your up or down button will cause you to move FOREVER in the game! there is NO stopping once you go.
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Nimmo’s Pond Tips

Mini guide

1. Try and nab the launch weapon. It fires fast (5 in the air at a time) and you don’t have to aim particularly well. I like it over the rapid weapon or spread weapon because it hits everything in between rotation moves. Also, it gets annoying if you shoot off 5 rapid bullets and they don’t hit anything.

2. To use this strategy, you will have to move around a bit, otherwise lily pads will enter the area you and where the bullets fall. Moving is ok, because if you start to move in one direction, you should turn all the way around and push gently. That way, the most you’ll be drifting is very very slowly, and sometimes you can even stop. At the end of each level you get repositioned into the center if you are off to the side anyways. This way you can also get all those flies instead of waiting for them to come to you.
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Nimmo’s Pond Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Personally, I haven’t played this game much but from what I’ve gathered, its a pretty cool game 🙂 From my experience, as like many games, there is also a knack to playing this game. And henceforth, in this guide, I shall explore them with you and on the way, converse on the finer points of English.

First point, never stray from the middle unless unnecessary. This is because if you do, you will gradually lose control of your lily pad until eventually, you will ram into other lily pads and lose health. If you look on the diagram below, you will also notice a blue bar that says paddle power. Every time you move, your paddle power will decrease and if it depletes itself, its over rover.
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Nimmo’s Pond Guide by Idiocon

Nimmos Pond is a pretty simple game, and easy to master. All it consists of is shooting at various-sized lily pads, making sure not to lose health points or paddle power, and maybe power up a little along the way.

First, your health and paddle power. Simply enough, you lose health points when you hit a lily pad, depending on its size. You lose paddle power when you move around (pressing any arrow key except down). To gain back health, just eat the red bugs (press ‘V’ to get a bug). To gain back paddle power, eat the blue bugs or just stop moving (stop pressing the keys; you can be flying across the screen and still gain paddle power).
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