Piper Panic Guide by Eternalsilence

This is a guide to Piper Panic. This isnt the get the highest score ever guide, but it is a solution guide that will get you 1000 neopoints every time you play the game.

The levels vary a little with every game, but they generally have the same solution (note: I dont know exactly how the levels are different. If need be, substitute row for column and vice versa as appropriate). The premise of the game is that you are the Jubjub snake charmer who has to guide the Cobralls to the baskets. The Cobrall will go in a straight line in the direction of the key that you press until it hits a basket. If it doesnt hit a basket, it will keep going to the edge of the board and you will lose a life. The other way to lose a life is to run out of time. You get bonus points for picking up the gems and getting the baskets with stars on them last, but it wont matter much. If you finish the whole game, without trying you will get over 3,000 points. At the time of this writing, the NP ratio is .50, which means you need only 2,000 points to get 1000Np per play.

Swarm Game Guide by Jim Shirey

Javier is right. If you are looking for a high score, you want to go for multiple orange orbs. They build up and carry over to the next game. But for me, the point of playing the game is to pick up an easy 3000 points to invest in neostocks. In fact, after I get to a 1000 in a game, I usually sit under some bombs just to end it.

Here are the “secrets” to getting to 1000 points on a game.

First: get control of the center of the board as soon as possible. Bomb the bugs between the two center barriers before you do anything else. You’ll have to duck under a barrier now and again.

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by berrichipmunk

The game may seem kind of pointless and cute, but it can quickly get gruesome if you’re not paying attention. Since there’s no real strategy outside of having to keep track of flying brown objects, I’ve found several methods work for achieving a respectable score:

1. Turn off any kind of outside noise, such as listening to music or the TV. Turning off your speakers might help too, if the noise from the game itself becomes distracting.

2. It sometimes helps to count potatoes using your mouse pointer. Pay attention, and don’t focus on any new spuds that may appear for too long. Some like to clip the screen and vanish quickly, so try to keep some distance from the monitor and relax your eyes in order to focus on the whole playing field. Don’t worry about blurry vision, since you’re only counting spinning brown things.

Neggsweeper Guide by Kristen

Neggsweeper, as hopefully you’ve noticed, is nearly identical to Minesweeper, a common game included with Windows operation systems. In this game, you try to locate a number of “bad neggs” using your logic–and often a spot of luck. The objective is to locate all the “bad neggs”, using the ctrl-click command.

It costs 30 neopoints per play, and can win you lots more once you get obsessed (hard to avoid!). The trophy is a…well…pretty lame-looking negg 😛

The best way I can teach how to master Neggsweeper is to give a few common situations. Using these, you should be able to understand the logic necessary and then be able to formulate your own conclusions later on. For starters, choose a few random spots on the map. Hopefully, this will clear away about twenty tiles, more or less depending on your luck. If you unfortunately got a “bad negg”, restart and try again. You will now notice that there are a bunch of tiles with 1’s and 2’s and 3’s…in fact, these numbers can go up to 8, but it’s m most commonly between 1-4. These numbers represent how many “bad neggs” surround that tile horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. (All the tiles without numbers on them are considered cleared, and you won’t have to worry about them). Okay, now for the situations. If these look all messy, copy them into Notepad and use a fixed-width font (such as Courier New) to view them correctly.

Potato Counter Guide by aurakage

Potato Counter – a game known for its…originality…and the fact that you need to be lightning quick with numbers in order to win a maximum of 100 Neopoints. That means that if you win 100 Neopoints for all three of the times you’re allowed to play in a day, you can earn yourself 300 Neopoints. To most, it’s not much, but to some whom are obsessed with collecting Neopoints, this can be remotely helpful.

But how to count all those Potatoes in less than fifty seconds? Well, easy enough. All you need is a calculator. Yes, a calculator.