Tag: barriers

  • Swarm Game Guide by Jim Shirey

    Javier is right. If you are looking for a high score, you want to go for multiple orange orbs. They build up and carry over to the next game. But for me, the point of playing the game is to pick up an easy 3000 points to invest in neostocks. In fact, after I get to a 1000 in a game, I usually sit under some bombs just to end it.

    Here are the “secrets” to getting to 1000 points on a game.

    First: get control of the center of the board as soon as possible. Bomb the bugs between the two center barriers before you do anything else. You’ll have to duck under a barrier now and again.

    Second: once you have those guys out of the way, you can ease up to a barrier and shoot the ones in the two columns adjacent to the center one. The timing will depend on the speed that the bugs are moving at, and you will simply have to practice. once in a while you will have to dodge a bomb. that’s a good time to peek out on the other side of the barrier and take a pot shot.

    Third: Having completed step two, you now have columns moving back and forth on the right side of the board and another one on your left. if you are at a 5+ level, there may have been so many bombs dropped that there is little or nothing left of the barriers. that is good. at this point, the barriers are just in the way. you might want to just sit under them and shoot them until they are gone. they have served their purpose.