Potato Counter Tips

Count potatoes using a calculator

Whenever I play this game I always use a calculator to count the potatoes. I found that if I count them myself, I tended to lose count a lot. All you need to do is press ” 1 +” on your calculator every time you see a potato.

Say at the end there were 4 potatoes altogether, you would have pressed “1 + 1 + 1 + 1”. Then just press “=” at the end and you have your total number of potatoes. You don’t even have to count the potatoes in your head, the calculator does it for you.
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Potato Counter Cheats

Thanks to Tinkytinkerbell for the information!

Play three times in one go

You only have to play this once and it will give you the neopoints for 3 games. Just play one game, then right after it says you guessed it in something seconds and got so many neopoints, press refresh and it will say you got an amount of neopoints. It will give you the neopoints without playing. Then do that for the 3rd round and u save time playing potato counter! – John Wong dark_evil_magik@hotmail.com

Win without counting

When you’re playing, right click on the screen a go to View Source. In View Source, scroll down until you see
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Potato Counter Guide by aurakage

Potato Counter – a game known for its…originality…and the fact that you need to be lightning quick with numbers in order to win a maximum of 100 Neopoints. That means that if you win 100 Neopoints for all three of the times you’re allowed to play in a day, you can earn yourself 300 Neopoints. To most, it’s not much, but to some whom are obsessed with collecting Neopoints, this can be remotely helpful.

But how to count all those Potatoes in less than fifty seconds? Well, easy enough. All you need is a calculator. Yes, a calculator.
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