Snow Wars Guide by ashleigh_chik

As you know there are 7 pieces you must bomb in Snow Wars. Different pieces take up different amount of spaces.

I tried many strategies before I found the one that worked for me. I was stuck on level 10 so I finally decided to use statistics. I played 10 games and did screenshots of every game. For every space on the board (there are 48), I did a percentage.

Once I began using the percentages, I did much better and eventually won. You must know that you don’t have to follow the percentages EXACTLY. I usually followed the percentages until I found the two small snowmen, then I used common sense to find the pieces that take up more than one space.

Biscuit Brigade: Hagan’s Last Stand Hard Mode Guide by Raging_Demon88

Edited by Jonny Blackler

I’ve been noticing a lot of people have been having a lot of trouble with this game on hard mode, and I can see why. It’s not very noob-friendly, but once you get the basics done, I guarantee you will get 1000 NP per play, on hard mode. My highest score using my method is 6800, which is not the highest, but it will get you the 1000. However, you can end the game once you hit 3k if all you care about is NP. OK, so lets begin.

Stage 1

Build an Arrow Tower about halfway between the cookies and the toy chest. Upgrade the range twice, and watch the little blue critters fall.

Monsters Inc, Canister Collector Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Ever play a game of ping pong and wonder why on earth the other player won when you should’ve clearly won? Or think that the judging is extremely biased and that point should have gone to you? Well this game will definitely be a dejavu experience for you! Not only is it very annoying because you never win, it will leave you complaining that the other player should have been penalized for that deliberate attempt at cheating!

A game of well, a game where moving your paddle left and right is all that matters, you have to protect your quarter circle from the rampaging likes of the ball. With three levels to choose from, the final level (x3 overall point bonus) can only be accessed if the game is won on intermediate mode.

How Not to Get Hacked or Scammed by snapper

I have been on Neopets for 2 years now and have seen every trick in the book of how people try to scam and hack. Just recently hacking and scamming has become more common and even easier to fall for. This article points out the majority, if not all the ways not to get scammed or hacked and to keep your account safe. Scams are pretty easy to pick up on, if it’s too good to be true it really is. Usually it will be a fake login screen where you have to retype your password, or they will change their prices at the last second and you will end up paying more than you bargained for so keep your wits about you. Other typical scams are buying ‘raffle tickets’ to win a bigger prize, or bidding a lot on a cheap item in a trading post to receive a more expensive item. And trust me, no one will give you 1 million np or 10 baby paint brushes so don’t believe it. Also NEVER change your email address if someone asks you to.

Pterattack Guide by vixen maree rivers

Pterattack is a game found either in tyrannia or the games room, you have the option of difficulty levels- easy, medium or hard for beginners I would recommend the easy level. In pterattack their is to sides to the area in which your ptera can fly you will notice that their are fuzzy bit along the side these will hurt you E.g. take one of your lives (monitored on the bar on the right side of the screen their are four pteras each time you die one of the birds vanish till you have a black bar I you die after this it’s game over.