The Search for Princess Lunara Guide by Mistygymleader

“The Search for Princess Lunara” is a great game if you want to make fast NP. I make 3000 NP a day on this game without fail. Because the NP ratio is so high (13.64), it only takes 77 or more points to earn 1000 NP from the game. This means you only have to answer six questions correctly in a row, which will add up to 90 points.
Before you start the game, though, you need to know that one of your best resources is the Neopedia. Keep a Neopedia window open so you can search for information. If you can’t find the answer on the Neopedia, try looking on the Pink Poogle Toy NeoDex.

Turmac Roll Guide by Kris

I think this is quite an easy game, the only game I played using a single hand. the other hand of mine I eat an apple while playing. It’s basically just rolling, jumping and collections of items. And they are generous at giving points, but you can only earn a max of 1000nps per game. I mean there is always chances of getting rare berries. Send your score only when you get 800 or above nps. If not, you are letting the system off too easily. And when the Turmac Roll system is at good mood, you will see the rarest berry. Although it’s a easy game, but you have to have determination, meaning don’t think you get 800nps just a few tries of playing.

Santa’s Sleigh Guide by Dave Redden

Santa's Sleigh logoThe new Santa’s Sleigh game, sponsored by Wal-Mart, has two ways to approach it and score well.

The first way should guarantee you 1,000 points and a score of 510 NP. The second way is a little more hit-and-miss but, done correctly and with a little luck, can bring a decent score too.

Method A

This is the simple way of doing things. You will need a pen and paper. I actually do this with my kids, ages five and seven, and it helps them with image recognition.

Give all the toys an abbreviation. Here’s what I use:

Kiko Match II Guide by livmin

I get 3,000np a day (yes, a *day*!) from Kiko match, and it’s very simple to do.

First you have to remember that the score you send will be half the neopoints you earn, so 500 points = 1,000np. Irritatingly, theis doesn`t go
up to 2,000np on days when Kiko Match is the game of the day, but never mind.

I find that the easiest thing to do is to start with the top right hand corner, and in a methodical way i will go down each column opening up all the squares on the board until I have found that one. For example, if the top right square is a pink kiko, I will go through the whole board looking for the pink ones, and remembering where the other pink ones are. Once I have found and cleared all the pink ones, I move on to the square directly underneath the top right hand corner, and start again. I find this process much easier than trying to remember each individual colour separately, as it can be a bit confusing, and goodness knows, I`ve got a memory like a sieve!

Hungry Skeith Game Guide

A revamped version of the Jelly Plant Processing game, this game plays in pretty much the same fashion. However, rather than ice-cream, we now place miscellaneous items into the corresponding color coded vats such as cakes, radishes and jelly blobs.

We are provided with three vats. A red, blue and green (from left to right order). The food items fall from a conveyor belt onto the end where we have to pick them up and sort them out. Green items placed correctly give back more points than blue items, which give back more point returns than the red items.