Turmac Roll Guide by Kris

I think this is quite an easy game, the only game I played using a single hand. the other hand of mine I eat an apple while playing. It’s basically just rolling, jumping and collections of items. And they are generous at giving points, but you can only earn a max of 1000nps per game. I mean there is always chances of getting rare berries. Send your score only when you get 800 or above nps. If not, you are letting the system off too easily. And when the Turmac Roll system is at good mood, you will see the rarest berry. Although it’s a easy game, but you have to have determination, meaning don’t think you get 800nps just a few tries of playing.

From my experience of playing, the high points berries only come out a few times in a game of play. sometimes not even once, after a long time of playing which really gets me. Even if it does come you’re gonna miss it, this is normal.

So I’m telling you how to not to miss it. I normally don’t try to jump for a voidberry and below item. Think its too common and affect my aim. I only jump over the obstacles and try to get a fishberry and above. It happens to me several times when I jump for a normal berry and because of my position I missed a rare berry. It’s why must be prepared. The berries are placed randomly during the game, if you’re lucky, you might get a gd berry during starting of the game which is quite easy to take and less obstacles to overcome. As I’ve said earlier, some game plays will not come at all. you can start to relax once you are over 800nps which I’m contented

Always play the hard mode, even if you just started playing. More points and less wasting of time. Believe me press and hold one of your fingers on the right key button all the time until you’re game over. Slowing down will only make your jumps unsuccessful over the barriers.

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