“The Search for Princess Lunara” is a great game if you want to make fast NP. I make 3000 NP a day on this game without fail. Because the NP ratio is so high (13.64), it only takes 77 or more points to earn 1000 NP from the game. This means you only have to answer six questions correctly in a row, which will add up to 90 points.
Before you start the game, though, you need to know that one of your best resources is the Neopedia. Keep a Neopedia window open so you can search for information. If you can’t find the answer on the Neopedia, try looking on the Pink Poogle Toy NeoDex.
When I start a game, I leave the settings alone. Just leave it at 12 questions and you’ll be fine. Start the game and skip through the cinemas if you don’t feel like watching them, then go straight for the Notable Neopians category. I find this is the easiest category to search through the Neopedia for answers. If you play only this category, you are likely to run across the same questions over and over as well, so you won’t even have to look in the Neopedia anymore after several plays of the game.
There can be problems the first time you run into a timed question, so you may not do a perfect job since you don’t have enough time to look at the Neopedia. Once you learn the answer to that question, though, don’t forget it because the question will definitely come up again another time when you play! Remembering the answers to the questions will get you through the game faster.
Continue through the questions, selecting only the Notable Neopians category until you get 90 points (this will happen if you answer the first six questions correctly). Then you can hit “end game” right there, send your score, and you will have 1000 NP just like that! You don’t even have to play through the whole game.
Here are the answers to some of the questions that I find often come up in the Notable Neopians category:
Q: Which of these Petpet species is NOT featured in Extreme Herder?
A: Harris
Q: Of which Neopian species is the maitre d’ at Kelp a member?
A: Scorchio
Q: What is Sophie’s favourite species of Petpet?
A: Meowclops
Q: This famous Neopian was born in 200 BN, slept for 200 years, and has only recently awakened.
A: Count von Roo
Q: Who is a regular at the Cheat! table, in spite of not being a very good player? (Some say she’s too interested in her hair!)
A: Capara
Q: Which of the following Petpets hails from Krawk Island?
A: Quadrapus
Q: What is the name of the Poogle who judges the Poetry Contest?
A: Alstaf
Q: What is the name of Chuffer Bob the Meerca’s Snorkle?
A: Beefy
Q: Which Aisha is known as the Limbo Queen?
A: Kyishi
Q: How old is Judge Hog?
A: 32
Q: Who ran the gang that Niten Hiroru fought in the tavern?
A: Farvor
Q: Which member of the original Ghoul Catchers is a Wocky?
A: Brave Bren
Q: This famous Neopian gives out Spooky Food in exchange for potion ingredients.
A: Edna
Q: What is the name of Isca’s sister?
A: Caylis
Q: How many limbs does Gnarfas, the Werelupe King,s minion, have?
A: Six
Q: Who was the dark faerie who captured Baelia, the Grey Faerie?
A: Jennumara
Q: Who amended the Safe Drinking Water Act in Sakhmet?
A: Senator Barca
Q: How old is Lilian Fairweather?
A: 26
Q: Whose bike was stolen by the Pant Devil, according to the Defenders of Neopia?
A: Ginny
Q: Who is known as Sakhmet’s craftiest statesman?
A: Advisor Wessle
Q: The Avabot, Neotrak, Wheelie and Pinceron can be combined to create which robot Petpet?
A: Ultra Mega Bot 2000
Q: Which of these faeries is featured in Faerie Cloud Racers?
A: Taelia
Q: Which Petpet species has been known to eat tin cans and magical orbs?
A: Naalala
You can definitely take a shot at trying other categories, but I find the Notable Neopians category is the easiest. Hopefully this guide will help you rack up the NP fast. – Mistygymleader
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