Attack of the Slorgs Guide by cauterize93

Attack of the Slorgs is a game based in Meridell. You play a Yurble farmer who is trying to protect his crops from the invading Slorgs. You must destroy the Slorgs by firing from your Slorgerizer. To play, you fire a color from your Slorgerizer at Slorgs of the same color. This causes them to die. You must keep the Slorgs away from your crops for a certain amount of time to move to the next level.

Basics: The fundamental of the game is precision aiming. If you cant aim at the right color Slorg, you wont go far. The laser in the game is designed to help you. In later levels, the laser will die out and you have to try to aim as well as you can. To prevent this, you can use the cheat chargex4 to recharge your laser. This cheat can be used as many times as you want and is very helpful.

Neopets Played on Dialup by lizzy_kiss

Neopets by dialup
Yes a large portion of Neopets users like myself are still using a dialup internet connection via a phone line and modem and slow connections through home or office networks with shared internet. How often is it that one sits in the Kadoatery for 3 hours straight constantly refreshing and waiting in the boards for refresh times to only ever see that one hungry Kadoatie wanting the unbuyable and never seeing a refresh as by the time the page loads the Kadoaties have already been fed. Or going to do a crossword with answers from a friend and only receiving 200np as it took over 15 minutes for the page to upload each of your answers. Yes it does seem that if your internet connection is slow it will take neopoints to make neopoints and a lot of obsessive stress to win trophies. But here I will tell you what to give up on, what’s worthwhile doing and what possible ways to earn neopoints even on a slow connection.

How Not to be Scammed by Michelle Vondor

I know that if you have never been scammed it seems impossible that it could happen to you, but it can. I was never very careful about keeping my password secret until my account was finally stolen. Even if it seem unlikely that you will be scammed I suggest that you follow these tips:

1) NEVER tell your password to anyone, even if they say they will give you items, np, etc. (I know everyone always says this but its really important)

2) If you suspect anyone of being a scammer report them immediately

3) Change your password often (at least once a month) and don’t make it something obvious like the month, your screen name, or your name. It is best to have a password that contains both letters and numbers.

Lists of Ways to Get Scammed by Brendon Gan-le

Here’s a few list of ways people can scam you out of NP, into your account, or make your account freeze:

1. They can just ask you for your password

Never give your password to anyone even if 1 million people say that he REALLY will give you NP, Items, Etc.

2. They can ask you to change your e-mail

Never change your e-mail address to a address you don’t own. Ppeople can try to trick you and say; change your e-mail to and then send a mail to it saying “NP____(ammont of NP wanted) USERNAME________ (Username there)”; and then first they know that the username you put in there changed there e-mail address to so they will type your username in the “forgot password box” and then they get a e-mail with all your password details, easy eh?