Building Your Walls – Usually, I try to start out by clicking very fast just to lay down bricks (rather sloppily, mind you!) and create a rough large circle around 1 or 2 snowmen, leaving maybe an inch between this wall’s outside edge and the outer edge of the screen, so as to leave enough room for odd larger shaped blocks later on in the game when I need to repair a hole and have no smaller blocks coming up as options. Then I quickly go back to fill any holes left in this rough wall, and try to make it relatively thick if I have time.
Tag: excitement
Plushie Tycoon Guide by oboesrocmysox
Have you just discovered Plushie Tycoon? Have no idea how to play it, but eager to do so? You have found the right guide. I will explain everything to you so that you will be a Tycoon in no time! Plushie Tycoon is a very fun game that lasts a full month. TNT will normally restart everyone on the last day of the month at midnight NST (so if you want to get technical, it is the first day of the month).
Starting Out Your Game
At first you see a button that says “Create Store”. Click it, and you will be brought to a page that is now the main page. Refresh the page, and at the top it will say “Click here to customize the game time zone to your own.” Click there, but STOP RIGHT THERE. You need to set the time that lets you play Plushie Tycoon the most, or rather the best time to have your updates. For people who do not already know, an update is something that updates your game, obviously. Let’s say that you have 300 plushies made. You have more waiting to be made. You will NOT see any changes until the next update takes place, and your shop has to be open (shops are open for 8 hours, this will also determine when your shop is open). Updates happen at :01 after every hour that your shop is open such as 9:01, 10:01, 11:01 etc. Here is an excellent chart to let you know what time you want your updates to happen. Until you set the time, it is NST time, and your shop is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm NST. (Please note that below is NST!)
In the Beginning
A long time ago in a land far, far away in the year of 1998, two collage buddies notoriously known as Adam and Donna set out to create a world of wonderment, intrigue, magic and excitement. Unknown to them, that this world would one day become one of the most talked about worlds. Gracing television channels, newspapers and magazines worldwide, the amazing and intriguing world of Neopets now boasts multitudes of games, an awe-inspiring gaming world and an overwhelming interactive experience as you, the player, evolve your game play and grow alongside your pet as a person and friend. Welcome to the wonderful world of Neopets.
Spirit Wheel of Knowledge Solutions by FROG4Life2004
Word Count Sorted
A bond of spirit
A courageous young stallion
A field of lush grass
A field of windflowers
A foal is a baby horse
A herd of horses
A Lakota Brave
A new mustang colt is born to the Cimarron herd
A remarkable friendship
A river doesn’t think about running it just runs
A stallion and mare
A wild stallion
A young male horse is a colt
I had been waiting so long to run free
I had never met anyone quite like her
I raced with the eagle, soared with the wind
An unsung hero
in theatres memorial day
A wild stallion
Our heart and our home
The American frontier
The American west
The blue sky
The eagle’s shadow
The hoofbeats are many, but our hearts beat as one
Hacked? Here’s Help! by usuki_gurl21
An unsuspecting Neopian walks to their computer and sits down. They boot it up, and log on to the internet. The url is put in : The login button is pressed. They type in their user name and password, but it says : This password/username is invalid. Have you forgotten your password? Click here! “No!” They say. “This is my password! I was just here yesterday!”
Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, listen up. You don’t have to sit around and wait for it to happen, or just give up if it already has. YOU can do something about it. Here are some simple steps to follow: