Snow Wars II Guide by knd1994123

Building Your Walls – Usually, I try to start out by clicking very fast just to lay down bricks (rather sloppily, mind you!) and create a rough large circle around 1 or 2 snowmen, leaving maybe an inch between this wall’s outside edge and the outer edge of the screen, so as to leave enough room for odd larger shaped blocks later on in the game when I need to repair a hole and have no smaller blocks coming up as options. Then I quickly go back to fill any holes left in this rough wall, and try to make it relatively thick if I have time.

One Trick I find helps a lot is to surround one snowman toward the back of the screen separately as a backup, and always fix this little mini wall first in later rounds just in case I can’t find all the holes in my main circle wall (then at least I can go through to the next building round).

Catapults – I keep my catapults bunched together in the middle of the circle and stop placing new ones at a point when they would be too close to the wall, again aiming to leave enough room between them and the inside of the wall for larger emergency repair blocks. You can only fire so many catapults at a time anyway and don’t really need hundreds of them.

Firing on the Enemy – I click just ahead of the Lupes (since they usually move straight forward before the snowball reaches them) and click just ahead *and* right on top of each catapult (since they often stay still). In later levels especially, be sure to try and destroy the catapults first, so they don’t make too many holes in your walls, then move onto any Lupes which are too close to your front wall (since they can stop you placing down snow blocks to fix your wall during the next building round), and then move on to the stray Lupes further away in the snow. Depending on your computer speed…later rounds have so many fireballs going back and forth that everything slows down and it just turns into mad clicking all over the enemy in hopes of hitting a few before the timer runs out! – knd1994123


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